2BBL/KBL Unit 7: This is me

2BBL/KBL Unit 7: This is me

Unit 7: This is me

Introduction and goals

Dear student,

Het doel van deze lessen is dat je jezelf en je vrienden kunt voorstellen in het Engels.

De eindopdracht voor deze lessen is een presentatie, waarin je jezelf introduceert.

Om de opdracht goed te kunnen maken, krijg je een aantal kleinere opdrachten. Zo kun je stap voor stap de eindopdracht voorbereiden.

What are you going to do?
Je gaat je reading, listening, speaking en writing skills verbeteren door te lezen, luisteren, spreken en schrijven over jezelf en je vrienden.

Je leert woorden en zinnen die je kunt gebruiken om jezelf voor te stellen, en grammatica om je te helpen de regels van de Engelse taal te begrijpen.

Have fun!

Lesson 1: About me

GoalImage result for my name is

I can introduce myself in English

Task 1 Before you listen and read

Task 1.1

Watch the video about greetings and introductions in movies.

Write down at least 5 sentences you can use to introduce yourself.

Compare notes with a partner.

Task 2 Listening

Task 2.1

Watch the video 'Meeting people' and do the exercise.


Oefening: Exercise Meeting people BBL


Task 2.2

Put the sentences in the correct order.

Oefening: Sentence jumble Meeting people BBL


Oefening: Ordering Meeting people KBL/TL


Task 3 Reading

Task 3.1

Read the text and do the exercise.

Sister problems

Maria’s little sisters were fighting. She could hear them from her room. Maria was
supposed to be babysitting. She knew that she should go in and check on them.
She put her book on the bed, and went down the hall to Anna and Olivia’s room.

“What is going on here?” Maria asked.
Her sisters stared angrily at each other. There were clothes all over the floor.
“Tell Anna she is wrong,” shouted Olivia.
“Tell Olivia she is wrong,” shouted Anna.

Maria shook her head. “Let’s slow down,” she said. “First, I need to have all
the information and understand the problem. Then, when I know what is going on,
I can tell you what I think. Why are you fighting?”

Olivia took a deep breath. “Well, Anna borrowed my shirt,” she said. “My
green shirt. It is my favorite one. She took it without asking, and then she got it
stained.” Olivia held out a green T‐shirt with a brown stain on it.

“It isn’t my fault,” said Anna. “My friend Greg dropped his chocolate pudding
on me. And then Olivia started yelling at me and she threw all of my clothes out of
my closet.”

“Okay,” said Maria. “Now I know what you are fighting about. I can tell you
how we solve this problem.”
She sat the girls down on the bed. “Anna,” said Maria, “you took Olivia’s shirt
without asking, right?”
“I guess so,” said Anna.
“You did. And then you got it stained at school,” said Maria. “You didn’t stain
the shirt, but it is your responsibility because you took it.”
Anna nodded.
“And Olivia,” said Maria, “yelling at your sister and throwing her clothes
won’t help. The best way for you to speak to your sister is to be calm and talk
about what is wrong.”
Olivia nodded.
“So go ahead and talk to each other calmly,” Maria said.

Olivia turned to Anna. “I am sorry I threw your clothes around,” she said. “I
was mad because of the shirt. I don’t like it when you take my things without
asking. I’ll help you put it all away.”
“And I am sorry that I took the shirt,” said Anna. “I like it, but I should have
asked you.”
“See?” said Maria. “Isn’t it better that you spoke about it?”
The girls nodded.

Maria smiled. “Okay, so I’ll put this shirt into the washing machine. Let’s see
if we can get this stain out. The three of us can eat some ice cream while we wait.”
“Thank you, Maria,” said Olivia. “We love it when you babysit!”

Oefening: Exercise Sister problems BBL


Oefening: Exercise Sister Problems KBL/TL


Task 4 Vocabulary

Task 4.1

De woordenlijsten staan voor je klaar in Quizlet.com

Heb je al een Quizlet account? Ga dan meteen naar de woordenlijst van deze les:

Unit 7, Lesson 1: About me (https://quizlet.com/_2xkuo2)

Denk eraan dat je je ook bij je klas aanmeldt met 'join class'?


Heb je nog geen Quizlet account? Volg dan de stappen hieronder om een account te maken en je bij je klas aan te melden.

Task 5 Grammar

Task 5.1

Read and watch the explanations. Do the exercises and the practice tests.

Verb 'to be'

Het werkwoord 'zijn' (in het Engels 'to be') is een van belangrijkste werkwoorden.

Om iets over jezelf te kunnen vertellen heb je dit werkwoord nodig! Leer dit werkwoord uit je hoofd en oefen met het gebruik ervan.

Maak de oefeningen hieronder (klik op de link). Schrijf je scores op in je schrift.

Oefening 1: score __________

Oefening 2: score __________

Oefening 3: score __________

Kijk hier de video met de uitleg:




Verb 'to have'

Het werkwoord 'hebben' (in het Engels 'have got') is ook een belangrijk werkwoord.

Om iets over jezelf te kunnen vertellen heb je dit werkwoord nodig! Leer dit werkwoord uit je hoofd en oefen met het gebruik ervan.

Maak de oefeningen hieronder (klik op de link). Schrijf je scores op in je schrift.

Oefening 1: score __________

Oefening 2: score __________

Oefening 3: score __________

Kijk hier de video met de uitleg:



Practice Tests

Task 6 Writing

Task 6.1

Your teacher will give you the form 'Let me introduce myself'.

Fill in the form (in English, of course) and hand it in.

Task 7 Speaking

Task 7.1

Voor deze spreekopdracht heb je het formulier 'Let me introduce myself' nodig. Je gaat jezelf opnemen met je laptop.

Ga naar deze opdracht op Itslearning om de opname te maken.

Speaking 'Let me introduce myself'

Lees de zinnen 1 tot en met 10 van 'Let me introduce myself' voor, terwijl je jezelf opneemt.



Task 8 KBL/TL

Task 8.1

Read the text about 'Life as a YouTuber' and answer the questions.

Click here

Fill the gaps with the correct number from the box.

          Five  |  150 million  |  5 billion  |  10 billion  |  23  |  Six


1. How old is Jessii? _______________

2. How many people saw the Beijing Olympics? _______________

3. How many times have people watched Jessii’s videos? _______________

4. How many videos does Jessii make in a week?_______________

5. How many days a week does Jessii work?_______________

6. How many times have people watched DanTDM’s videos? _______________


Task 8.2

Are these sentences True or False? Write the answer in your notbebook.

1. Jessii was so surprised when a fan recognised her that she dropped her coffee. True / False

2. When Jessii got hate comments, she changed the way she looks. True / False

3. It’s better to stop comments on your videos if you’re a YouTube beginner. True / False

4. If you want to be a big YouTube star, people need to see your face in your videos. True / False

5. Jessii is more comfortable in her videos now than in the past. True / False

6. She recommends making videos you think other people will like. True / False


Lesson 2: How are you?

Goals for this lesson:

- I can talk about myself and my family in English

- ik kan iets vertellen in het Engels over mijzelf en mijn familie.

Task 1 Before you listen and read

Task 1.1

Watch the video about making new friends.

How would you make new friends? What would you say or do?

Write down 5 things you would do or say. Compare notes with a partner.

Task 2 Listening

Task 2.1

Listen to the conversation below and do the exercise.

Sumi: Hi, Pablo. How are you?

Pablo: Hi, Sumi. I'm fine, thanks.

Sumi: Pablo, this is Greta.

Pablo: Hi, Greta, I'm Pablo.

Greta: Hi. How are you?.

Pablo: I'm fine, thanks. Where are you from, Greta?

Greta: I'm from Germany. Where are you from?

Pablo: I'm from Argentina. Nice to meet you.

Greta: Nice to meet you too.

Task 3 Reading

Task 3.1

Read the text and do the exercise.

Do you like movies?

Hi! My name is Marco. Do you like movies? I do. I like movies very much. Everyone in my family likes movies too.

My family watches movies in different ways. Sometimes we go to the cinema to watch movies. Sometimes we watch movies at home. When we watch movies at home, we see them on DVDs. We also watch movies from the Internet.

My favourite movies are action movies. I like exciting things and action movies are exciting. My sister likes to watch movies also. She does not like the same kind of movies that I like. She likes movies that are funny. My father likes to watch movies about real things and real people. These kinds of movies are called documentaries. My mother is different from all of us. She likes all kinds of movies.

Last week we watched an old movie. It was called “The Sound of Music.” It was about a family living in Austria. They were very good singers. In the movie, the mother died. The father and the children needed a new mother. The family was also in some danger. At the end of the movie the family was safe and they got a new mother. I liked the movie because it had a happy ending.

Oefening: Do you like movies? BBL


Oefening: Do you like movies? KBL/TL


Task 4 Vocabulary

Task 4.1

Ga naar www.quizlet.com en log in.

Bewaar de lijst voor deze les: Unit 7: Lesson 2 Who are you?

Klik hier als je de lijst wilt printen: https://quizlet.com/177332834/print


Lees de lijst een paar keer door.

Overhoor jezelf. Eerst makkelijk (meerkeuze) dan moeilijker (zelf typen).

Staan er woorden in die je niet begrijpt? Zoek ze op in het woordenboek of op vertalen.nu

Task 5 Grammar

Why Do We Need Pronouns?

Pronouns take the place of nouns when we are writing or talking about something.
It would be very tiresome if we had to repeat the same noun over and over again.
Just look at how long it takes to express ideas without using pronouns:

A Day at the Park
Sammy went to the park with Sammy’s mother and Sammy’s father. Sammy and Sammy’s mother and Sammy’s father ran on the lawn. Then Sammy’s father pushed Sammy on the swings while Sammy’s mother smiled and watched. Then Sammy’s mother spread out a blanket on the lawn and read a book while Sammy and Sammy’s father played catch with a ball. Sammy threw the ball too hard, and Sammy’s father had to chase after the ball. Sammy did some somersaults, rolling forward on Sammy’s head and kicking Sammy’s feet up over Sammy’s head. Sammy giggled and
lay on the grass until Sammy’s dad came back. Sammy, Sammy’s mother, and Sammy’s father ate sandwiches together before Sammy, Sammy’s mother, and Sammy’s father went back home.

Task 5.1

Personal pronouns

Watch the video of Alfie and Oliver again.

Wat voor soort woorden zijn de rode woorden?

In het Nederlands noemen we dit 'persoonlijk voornaamwoorden'.

Je gebruikt deze woorden om namen van mensen, dieren of dingen te vervangen.


  • Ibrahim fietst altijd heel snel naar school.
  • Hij vindt school erg leuk.
  • De leraar vindt hem aardig.

Schrijf de tabel met de 'personal pronouns' over in je schrift en doe de oefening.

In deze video wordt het gebruik van personal pronouns nog een keer uitgelegd.


Task 5.2

Do the practice tests to check if you understand how pronouns work.

Write down your grade in your notebook.

Practice tests 2

Test:Practice test 2 - Personal pronouns

Toets: Final test 2 - Personal pronouns BBL


Task 6 Writing

Task 6.1

Read the email that Kelly wrote to Yoko.

Copy the table into your notebook and complete the information.

Name family member    age     hair   eyes work/hobby
    14   green  


Task 6.2

What does your family look like? Copy the table and complete it.

Name family member    age     hair   eyes work/hobby


Task 6.3

Draw your family in your notebook (don't forget your pets!). Write 10 sentences about your family.

For example:

This is my brother, Harry. He is 15 years old. He plays soccer.

Show your drawing to your teacher.



Task 7 Speaking

Task 7.1

Show your drawing to a classmate.

Tell them in English who's on the drawing.

Ask them about their drawing.

Record your conversation in Itslearning and hand it in: About my family


Task 8 KBL/TL

Task 8.1

Match the words with the correct definition.

1. mates                               a. behave (in a certain way) towards someone

2. be away                            b. timid, nervous or embarrassed when with other people

3. coming up                         c. be on a trip, not at home

4. shy                                   d. friends

5. take advantage of              e. use someone unfairly

6. treat someone                   f. happening soon


Task 8.2

Do the Friendship quiz (click on link).

Write down your answers. What is your result? Is the result correct?

Task 8.3

True or false? Answer the questions in your notebook.

1. You can do this quiz to find out if you are a good friend. True / False

2. In question 1, your friend can easily get a bus or taxi. True / False

3. In question 2, you can give your friend maths classes without causing difficulties for yourself. True / False

4. In question 3, you think the person you like would prefer to go out with your friend. True / False

5. In question 4, your friend is thinking about a permanent change to his/her body. True / False

6. If you answer mostly Cs, you are not a good friend. True / False



Lesson 3: Where do you live?

Goals for this lesson:

- I can understand short conversations between people.

- I can talk about myself, someone or something.

- Ik kan korte gesprekken tussen mensen begrijpen.

- Ik kan iets vertellen over mijzelf, een ander of een ding.

Task 1 Before you listen and read

Task 1.1

Watch the video. Write down at least 7 things you would like to do in New York City. Write the answers down in your notebook.

Task 2 Listening

Task 2.1

Watch the video about Oliver and Alfie.

Notice the red words. What are they?

Answer the questions about the video in your notebook.

You may answer in Dutch.

1) Wat is Oliver aan het doen, als Alfie belt?

2) Welk kado heeft Alfie van zijn oom gekregen? En waarom?

3) Wat wil Alfie gaan doen met Oliver?

4) Waar is de moeder van Oliver?

5) Wat gaat ze vanavond doen?

6) Wat vindt ze 'scary' aan de stad waar ze is?

Task 3 Reading

Task 3.1

Read the app conversation. Do the quiz.


Task 3.2

With a classmate. Read the app messages below.

Write the correct English sentence in your notebook. Write down the Dutch translation as well.

1) do u 1 2 meet?

2) CU @ skool

3) U look gr8 2day

4) call me b4 lunch

Task 4 Vocabulary

Task 4.1

Ga naar www.quizlet.com en log in.

Bewaar de lijst voor deze les: Unit 7: Lesson 3 Where do you live?

Klik hier als je de lijst wilt printen: https://quizlet.com/177332928/print


Lees de lijst een paar keer door.

Overhoor jezelf. Eerst makkelijk (meerkeuze) dan moeilijker (zelf typen).

Staan er woorden in die je niet begrijpt? Zoek ze op in het woordenboek of op vertalen.nu

Task 5a Grammar

Task 5.1

Possessive pronouns

Om te laten zien dat iets 'van jou' is, gebruik je in het Nederlands 'bezittelijke voornaamwoorden'.


  • Ibrahim heeft een nieuwe fiets gekregen.
  • Hij is erg trots op zijn fiets.
  • De fiets is van hem.

Schrijf de tabel met de 'possessives' over in je schrift.

Kijk de video voor extra uitleg.

Task 5b Grammar

Task 5.2

Reflexive pronouns

Study the chart.


  • I always do my homework myself. Nobody helps me.
  • He never does his homework himself. The teacher always helps him.



Task 6 Writing

Task 6.1Afbeeldingsresultaat voor groeten uit veenendaal

You're going to write a postcard to your friend in England.

Write your postcard down in your notebook.

Write them a short message:

- Greet your friend

- Ask him/her how they are doing.

- Tell them how you are doing.

- Tell them something about your family.

- Tell them something about where you live.

- End with a greeting.





Task 7 Speaking

Task 7.1

Work with a classmate.

Write down 5 sentences about your classmate. For example: name, age, where they live, hobbies, favourite sport or music.

Introduce your classmate to your teacher.



This is Sheila.

She is 14 years old.

She lives in Rhenen.

Her hobby is soccer.

Her favourite singer is Rihanna.

Task 8 KBL/TL

Practice test 3a

Practice test 3b

Task 8.1

Read the e-mails and answer the questions. Click here

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition.

1. a classmate                          a. a student who goes to another country to study for a short time

2. a school trip                          b. a family which lets a foreign student stay in their home and live and eat together with them

3. a street performance              c. a visit by students to a place to learn something about it

4. a foreign exchange student     d. a special time or event when people celebrate something

5. a host family                         e. somebody who studies with you in the same class

6. a festival                               f. a show by an actor, musician or other performer in a public place


Task 8.2

Are these sentences True or False?

1. Fran is in Edinburgh now. True / False

2. Fran is staying at Simon’s house. True / False

3. Fran has been busy since he arrived. True / False

4. Fran strongly dislikes the host family’s children. True / False

5. Fran has been to Edinburgh Castle. True / False

6. Fran thinks the street performances are expensive. True / False


Lesson 4: My family

Goals for this lesson:

- I can ask someone questions

- I can introduce myself and others

- Ik kan vragen stellen aan een ander.

- ik kan mezelf en anderen voorstellen.

Task 1 Before you listen and read

Task 1.1

Watch the video. What's your family like? Write it down in your notebook. 


Task 2 Listening

Task 2.1

Watch the video. Complete the sentences with the right question word. Write down the answers in your notebook.

click for video


  What |  Where |  How |  How often | When |  Why |  Who |  whose


Q = Question / A = answer

1. Q: ____________________ are you going on holiday? A: Next Friday

2. Q: ____________________ are you going? A: England

3. Q: ____________________ bought the tickets? A: My mum did.

4. Q: ____________________ do you go on holiday? A: Once every two years.

5. Q: ____________________ don’t you go more often? A: Because we don’t want to.

6. Q: ____________________ do you do the other years? A: We relax in the garden and visit friends.

7. Q: ____________________ do you choose your where to go on holiday? A: We use Google.

8. Q: And ____________________ idea was it to go to England? A: Our friends said it was nice there.

Task 3 Reading

Task 3.1

Read the text about Laura. Do the exercise below.




Write the answers down in your notebook. 


1. Where does Laura live?

2. How old was Laura when she started dancing?

3. What does Laura study at university?

4. Laura has won prizes. For what has she won prizes?

5. What is Laura's dream?

6. Which 4 words describe Laura best? Choose from the words below.

strong - difficult - German - busy - slim - confident - competetitive - amazing

Task 4 Vocabulary

Task 4.1

Ga naar www.quizlet.com en log in.

Bewaar de lijst voor deze les: Unit 7: Lesson 4 Who are you?

Klik hier als je de lijst wilt printen: https://quizlet.com/177332980/print


Lees de lijst een paar keer door.

Overhoor jezelf. Eerst makkelijk (meerkeuze) dan moeilijker (zelf typen).

Staan er woorden in die je niet begrijpt? Zoek ze op in het woordenboek of op vertalen.nu

Task 5a Grammar

Task 5.1

Hoe stel je een vraag in het Engels? Welke 'vraagwoorden' zijn er?


1.  Schrijf in je schrift zo veel mogelijk vraagwoorden op in het Nederlands.

2. Probeer nu achter de Nederlandse vraagwoorden, de Engelse vertaling van deze woorden op te schrijven.

3. Maak je lijst compleet door met de tabel hieronder te controleren of je nog woorden mist.


Question Word




vraag naar informatie (wat)

What is your name?

vraag om herhaling of bevestiging

What? I can't hear you.
You did what?


vraag naar tijd, dag, maand enz. (wanneer)

When did he leave?


vraag naar plaats (waar)

Where do they live?


vraag keuze tussen twee of meer dingen


Which colour do you want?


vraag naar wie (persoon)

Who opened the door?


vraag van wie het is (persoon)

Whose keys are these?
Whose turn is it?


vraag naar reden (waarom)

Why do you say that?


hoe iets werkt of is (hoe)

How does this work?

how far

hoe ver

How far is Amsterdam from Utrecht?

how long

hoe lang (tijd)

How long will it take?

how many

hoe veel (telbaar)

How many cars are there?

how much

hoe veel (ontelbaar)

How much money do you have?

how old

hoe oud

How old are you?



Task 5b Grammar


Task 5.2

A. Choose the correct answer. Write the answer down in your notebook. 

1. What / Who do you like best? Cheese or cake?

2. When / Why does Bill get up in the morning?

3. Why / How don't you go by bus, Max?

4. What / Why hobbies does Andrew have?

5. Where / What do they go to every week?

6. How / When old is Mike? 

7. Why / When is Susan's birthday?

8. Where / What are my exercise books?


B. Which question word do you need? Write down the answer in your notebook. 

Choose from: 

where - why - when - what - how 

1. _________ is the weather like today?

2. _________ don't you like apple juice?

3. _________ about a walk through the forest?

4. _________ do you play volleyball?

5. _________ is my red sweat shirt, Mum?

6. _________ do Anne and Betty get to school every day?

7. _________ does your father go to work?

8. _________  is the dog's bone?

Task 6 Writing

Task 6.1

For the final task of Unit 7, you have to make a Powerpoint (or a Prezi) about yourself. In English, of course!


Before you start with your presentation, you are going to write down about yourself. Write it down in your notebook. 

1. Tell us about yourself. What is your name, how old are you etc..

2. Tell us about your family: who is in your family, how old are they etc...

3. Tell us something about school. What is your best subject? Wat is your worst subject? 

Use complete sentences!

Write your answers down in your notebook. 


You have to use a minimum of 60 words!

Task 7 Speaking

Task 7.1

Practice your presentation and ask a classmate or your parents for tips.

Try not to talk too fast or too slow.


For the final task of Unit 7, you have to make a PowerPoint about yourself. In English, of course! You have to present your final product to your class. You will get a grade for the PowerPoint-presentation and your presentation in class.



Beoordeling eindopdracht 'Hello, my name is...'

Waar word je op beoordeeld? max. punten
Je woordenschat past bij de opdracht, je gebruikt de woorden die je moest leren. 5
Je gebruikt de werkwoorden 'to be', 'have got' en de 'pronouns' op de goede manier. 5
Je gebruikt veel standaard zinnetjes en moet soms even pauzeren of opnieuw beginnen. 5
Je gebruikt de woorden 'and' of 'and then'. Soms gebruik je ook 'but' of 'because'. 5
Je Powerpoint is compleet, goed leesbaar en netjes (foto's, leestekens enz.). 5
Je leest niet alles voor, maar kijkt (af en toe) de klas in. 5


Task 8 KBL/TL

Task 8.1

Watch the video and answer the questions in your notebook.

Click here

1. Jack is surprised because ...

a. you can’t buy Game of Kings there yet.

b. he doesn’t like Game of Kings.

c. Game of Kings is expensive.

2. Sam got the game from ...

a. his brother Charlie.

b. his half-brother Rob.

c. his dad.

3. Rob and Sam have the same ...

a. mum.

b. dad.

c. mum and dad.

4. Sam has ...

a. never met his halfbrother.

b. met his half-brother twice.

c. met his half-brother three times.

5. Rob's mum is ...

a. in Mexico now.

b. married to someone else.

c. not very nice.

6. Sam's mum is ...

a. divorced.

b. fine about the situation.

c. older than Sam’s dad.


Task 8.2

Write one word to fill the gaps.

1. _______________ you want to play this game?

2. My cousin gave it _______________ me.

3. It's been years since I saw them. We went to visit them, but that was ages _______________.

4. My sister is four years older _______________ me.

5. She _______________ 19 years old.

6. We speak _______________ Skype a lot.

7. My grandma is _______________ Pakistan originally.

8. My brother is married _______________ a Polish woman.

9. I've been _______________ the States twice.

10. The first time I went I _______________ really little, so I don't remember much.


Practice Test 4

Final products and tests

Practice all grammar

Test your understanding of the grammar. Do the test!

Toets: Test Unit 7 all grammar BBL


Toets: Test Unit 7 all grammar KBL/TL


Practice all vocabulary

Do you know all the vocabulary? Do the test!

Practice test 1

Practice test 2

Hand in presentation

Hand in presentation 'Hello, my name is...'
Lever hier je presentatie in