5.4 Saving money - hv12

5.4 Saving money - hv12

Saving money


The subject of this double period is saving money.

  • Make groups of three or four.
  • Discuss these questions in English with your group:
    • What do you spend the most money on?
    • Have you ever paid to much for something? Explain your answer.
    • What is your top tip for saving money when shopping?








Find out what you already know.


Step 1

Clothes shopping on a budget

You can understand a conversation about shopping on a budget and answer questions.


Step 2


You can understand a video about using a flexible grocery list and answer questions.


Step 3


You can understand and use the vocabulary about shopping on a budget.


Step 4

Simple present or present continuous?

You can understand and use the simple present and the present continuous.


Step 5

A discussion about saving money

You can have a discussion about saving money when shopping.


Step 6

An article about a saving tip

You can write an article about a saving tip.


Step 7


Reflecting on what you have learnt.


Step 1 - Reading

Clothes shopping on a budget

You are going to read a text with tips for spending less money on clothing.

  • Work with a classmate. Think of three ways to save money when buying clothes.
  • Read the text.
  • While reading, think about the following question: are any of your tips in the text?

Clothes shopping on a budget

Many of us love shopping for new clothes. But sometimes we want to keep up with fashion trends so badly that we spend too much – sometimes on clothes we don’t even wear. So here are some tips to shop on a budget.

Buy only what you need

Don’t buy clothes unless you really need them – even when they’re on sale. I’ve got a wardrobe full of clothes that I bought cheaply but that I hardly ever wear. A complete waste of money! A good way to do this is to make a shopping list – and to stick to it. My trick to make sure shopping is still fun? One of the items on my list is always ‘one impulse buy’.

Give yourself a budget

Another good way to limit your spending is to give yourself a budget. Do some research online beforehand, so that you know how much the items you need are going to cost. This helps you set a realistic budget. Even better: take the amount you want to spend with you in cash and leave your credit card or debit card at home.

Buy quality

It seems so simple: spend less on an item and you can buy more of them. But think: how long is it going to last? Is it still going to look this good after a wash? Or ten washes? High-quality clothing is more expensive, but it’s also made with care and with better materials. Chances are it will last longer – and because it keeps looking good, you will wear it for longer.

Buy during end-of-season sales

At the end of, for example, the summer, summer clothes will go on sale. Time to think ahead and buy your summer clothes for next year. Is the winter almost over and does your winter coat have a nasty tear in it? Buy your next winter coat now, when prices are reduced. Your bank account will look even better than you!

Go second-hand

Second-hand shops are becoming more and more popular, and most larger town have at least one. They are a really good option if you’re not too bothered about the latest fashion and if you like a bargain. There are many that only sell quality clothing that look (almost) new. In some you pay per item, in others per weight. This is your chance to buy some timeless classics for a fraction of the original price!

Fix, don’t replace

You know another good thing about buying quality clothes? They are usually easier to fix than cheap items. Do your jeans have a hole in the knee? Has a seam in your skirt come loose? Is the zipper broken in a jacket that still looks fine otherwise? Find a clothing repair shop, ask a handy friend or family member – or take a course in mending clothes yourself. It’s the best investment you’ll ever make.


Maak de oefening. 

Step 2 - Listening

How to create a flexible grocery list

You are going to watch a video about using a flexible grocery list.

  • Watch the video.
  • While watching, think about the following question:
    • What is the main goal of the flexible grocery list?
    • What does the word ‘versatility’ mean, do you think?

Do the exercises.

Step 3 - Vocabulary

To be able to do all the assignments correctly, you need to know some words and sentences.
For each theme there are word lists ready in Wozzol, with which you can practice:

Woordenlijst Saving money hv12

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Do the exercise.

There are many ways to study vocabulary. You can read the words aloud or copy them. The most important rule is never to spend more than 10 minutes studying words. Every minute you spend longer is a waste of time.

Step 4 - Grammar

Weet je nog hoe het zat met de present continuous? Daarmee zeg je dat iets nú aan de gang is. In het Nederlands zeggen we dan vaak iets als: 'Ik ben aan het...'. Een voorbeeld van de present continuous is: I am reading a book. (Ik ben een boek aan het lezen.)

Maar wanneer gebruik je de present continuous en wanneer gebruik je de simple present?

Bestudeer uit de kennisbank Engels de onderdelen Present continuous en Simple present of present continuous? Denk na over deze vraag:

  • Kun je het verschil uitleggen tussen deze twee zinnen?
    Tommy plays the violin.
    Tommy is playing the violin.

Present continuous

Maak nu de volgende oefeningen.

Step 5 - Speaking

A discussion about saving money

Have a discussion with a classmate. Use the description below.


  1. Do some research on the internet.
  2. Write down your point of view and a few arguments.
  3. Write down a couple of words and phrases to help you in your discussion.

Having the discussion

  1. Find another pair to work with.
  2. Have your discussion.
  3. Ask your classmates to write down feedback for you.
  4. Next, let them have their discussion and write down feedback for them.
  5. Discuss what went well and what you can do better next time.

Jullie hebben een tekst gelezen met tips om geld te besparen bij het winkelen. Er zijn nog veel meer tips om geld te besparen. Doe kort onderzoek op internet en zoek nog twee tips. Je hoeft het er niet mee eens te zijn.

Verwerk het volgende in jullie discussie:

  • Vertel welke tips je hebt gevonden.

  • Vertel wat je ervan vindt en waarom.

  • Vertel ook wat je van de tips vindt die je klasgenoot heeft gevonden, en waarom.

Probeer het eens te worden over de vraag welke van de gevonden tips wel en niet nuttig zijn.

Step 6 - Writing

An article about a saving tip

You have read a text with tips for saving money while clothes shopping. Now you are going to write a short article about one of those tips.

Choose one of the tips from ‘Clothes shopping on a budget’.

  • Write a short introduction. What are you going to write about?
  • Write down 2-3 advantages of using the tip.
  • Write down 2-3 disadvantages.
  • Write 2-3 sentences about your own experiences with the tip. If you’ve never used it, use your imagination.
  • Write a conclusion: Do you think it is a good tip? Explain your answer.
  • Ask your teacher how many words you have to use.

Step 7 - Evaluation

What have you learnt in this double period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • Are there things you don't quite understand yet? How are you going to deal with them?
  • What do you need to ask your teacher?
  • Het arrangement 5.4 Saving money - hv12 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2023-06-14 12:01:25

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollecties voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 1 en 2. Dit is thema 5 'Shopping'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Saving money. Deze les gaat over geld besparen. Bij de leesopdracht wordt het voordeling shoppen behandeld en bij de luisteropdracht gaat het over het begrijpen een video over het maken van een boodschappenlijstje. De grammaticaopdracht gaat over de present continuous en de simple present.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, boodschappenlijstje, engels, geld besparen, hv12, present continuous, saving money, simple present, stercollectie, voordeling shoppen