Countable & uncountable nouns

Countable & uncountable nouns


In today's lesson we will discuss what countable and uncountable nouns are. It is important to know the difference between the two since each of them has a different determiner. We will practise this topic by doing two exercises and eventually you will be qualified enough to do the test.


The aims of today's lesson are:

  • At the end of this lesson you will have learnt when to use 'much' or 'many' within a sentence.
  • At the end of this lesson you will be able to explain the differences between countable and uncountable nouns.


The following video will give you a brief instruction on countable and uncountable nouns. Carefully watch the entire video and feel free to pause if you feel like it's going too fast for you.

Instructions; countable & uncountable nouns


Now let's practise!

Do you feel like you have understood the instructions on the previous slide completely? Then you are free to challenge yourself with the two following exercises which will help you towards the last final test!


Have you finished both exercises with less than 4 mistakes? That's great! Because that means you are ready for the test.

Good luck!


Did you have more than 4 mistakes within the 2 exercises? Don't worry it's okay this wasn't the final test yet! Take a look at the instructions and come back to do the exercises again, later you can give the test a try.

Good luck, you got this!


Oefening: Exercise 1: fill in the blanks


Oefening: Exercise 2: fill in the blanks


This is the third exercise in which you have to guess if the following sentences are correct or incorrect. You have to pay attention to the words ''many'' and ''much'' and if they fit in the sentence. 

Now click on ''A quiz on Kahoot'' and do the quiz.

A quiz on Kahoot


If you have more than 4 mistakes then take a look at the instructions and do the test later again.




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    2018-06-15 14:07:53

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Het doel van deze les is om de leerlingen te leren wanneer ze ''much'' of ''many'' moeten gebruiken in een zin. Deze les is bedoeld voor 3 VMBO GL/TL leerlingen, A2/ B1 niveau.


    Bron Type
    Instructions; countable & uncountable nouns
    A quiz on Kahoot
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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Exercise 1: fill in the blanks

    Exercise 2: fill in the blanks

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