A Stinky situation

A Stinky situation

A stinkt situation

A  Stinky situation
  Even the smallest creatures have special ways to defend themselves against predators. Spiders bite. Bees sting. Stink bugs … stink. 
  Unlike spiders and bees, stink bugs do not actually hurt other creatures when they defend themselves. When a stink bug is in danger, it releases a mix of chemicals from its body. This mix of chemicals has a very bad odor. When predators like mice, lizards, or birds smell the odor, they do not want to eat the stink bug. 
  The bad smell produced by a stink bug also helps keep other stink bugs out of danger. When a stink bug releases its odor, other stink bugs in the area know that there is trouble. They will run away from the danger. 
  Although stink bugs do not bite or sting, they are still a pest to human beings. Because stink bugs eat fruits and vegetables like beans and berries, they can damage a farmer’s crops. When winter comes and the crops are gone, stink bugs often move into people’s houses. It is often very difficult to get stink bugs out of a house. It can be dangerous to use insect poison to kill stink bugs inside your house. Plus, as you might guess, if you kill a stink bug in your house, your house will not smell very good. 
  One way you can try to keep stink bugs out of your house is to use their own defense against them. Since the bug’s stink can be used as a warning to other stink bugs, you can try squishing a lot of stink bugs outside your house. This way, other stink bugs will smell the odor and know that your house is not where they want to be


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