Past Simple

Past Simple

Home page


Welcome dear learners of the English language.

You came at the right place to become a bit wiser about the use of the past simple!
I, miss Emma, teacher of the English language, will be your guidance throughout your learning process.

We are going to discuss the past simple step by step. First, i'll explain what the past simple means. Then we're going to practise with some exercises and finish this off with a test.

By the end of this online course, you are able to apply the past simple in your day-to-day speech, while talking about your experiences and actions in the past.

For question, please feel free to contact me at I'll get back to you within 24 hours ☺

Alright, let's get started. First, check the clip and keep on following the instructions.

Good luck and have fun!                                                                                                                                               ​

Teaching material

In this video i'm going to explain the meaning and the use of the past simple in dutch.

Take out your pen and paper to make notes, especially about the exceptions ☺.

Past simple

Test yourself

So, you've wachted the video and made some notes to help you out. Now let's move on to the next step, which is Test yourself. In this part you are going to practice with some exercises.

Toets: Fill in the past simple


Toets: Fill in the irregular verb


Toets: Fill in the right form of to be, have or do.


Toets: Negation


Toets: Doubling of final consonants


Extra explanation

Past Simple


Dutch introduction
The past simple is een onvoltooide werkwoord in het verleden tijd, dat een activiteit in het verleden uitdrukt zonder hulpwerkwoorden.

Vorig jaar was ik bij oma op bezoek.
Last year, I visited my grandmother.


English explanation

We use the past simple, to talk about finished actions and experiences in the past.

We form the past simple by adding -ed to (most) verbs.
Positive: I talked on the phone.
Negative: I did not talk on the phone.
Question: Did i not talk on the phone?

The past simple has only 2 forms of to be: was and were.

Subject Verb    
  Be Have Do
I was had did
You were had did
She/he/it was had


We were had did
You were had did
They were had did


The past conditional if clause

Form: [if + past simple]
Use: refers to a time that is now or anytime, and a situation is unreal. See the explanation below.

If you went to bed earlier, you wouldn't be so tired.
If i spoke English, i would go to England.


After a final e only add d                                                           save - saved
Final y after consonant becomes i                                            carry - carried
Final consonant after a short, stressed vowel is doubled         admit - admitted
Final consonant after a vowel is doubled                                  travel - travelled

Irregular verbs
We also have alot of irregular verbs in the past tense. See the list below.

So when do we use the past simple and how?

1.Action finished in the past

Example: Last year, i visited my grandmother.
Explanation: Here, we talk about and action we did in the past. Also, notice the -ed in visited and the words Last year. This is a past simple because we have applied -ed and there is a time table.

2. Series of actions in the past.
Example: I got up out of bed, drank my milk and went to school.
Explanation: Here, we describe series of finished actions in the past. Also, note the irregular verbs in this sentence.

3. Together with the past continuous
Example: She was driving her car, when her phone rang.

Past continuous: ongoing action in the past.         Past simple: interrupted action in the past.

She was driving her car

when her phone rang

Explanation: As you can see in the example above. We can also use the past simple together with the past continuous. These are both actions that have happened in the past. The past continuous describes and action in the past that was ongoing for a longer time and then suddenly, it was interrupted by another action in the past (past simple).

Affirmative sentences (bevestigende zinnen) in the past simple
I talked on the phone.
We answered the phone.
You visited me last summer.
She invited me over.
He walked slowly.
They washed the dishes.

Affirmative sentences in the past simple with irregular verbs
I went to the mall.
We sold our car.
You spent alot of money.
She sent her a postcard.
He went to the mall.

Negative sentences (ontkennende zinnen) in the past simple
I did not sleep well.
We did not eat well.
You did not drive well.
She did not sing well.
He did not listen well.

Negative sentences in the past simple with irregular verbs
I did not let the stray cat in.
We did not let the strat cat in.
You did not let the stray cat in.
She did not let the stray cat in.
He did not let the stray cat in.

Questions and negatives
We use did to make questions with the past simple.
Did you go shopping yesterday.
Did you do your homework?
Did he play soccer when he was young?



Irregular verbs list






Extra exercises

You and i have come a long way and you're doing a great job so far!

Here you have some more exercises to practice with.

Have fun!






Toets: Was or were


Toets: Fill in the +d, +ed, +ied


Toets: Choose the correct form


Extra challenging

We are a step closer to our our final test, but first let's test ourself with a mixed exercise. Try to do this mixed exercise without going back to the explanation. Let's go!





Toets: Mix


Toets: Extra practise


Final test

Finally, here we are! In this test you are going to answer 20 question without any help from the extra explanation.

If you score low on this test then don't worry about it and most importantly don't give up! Keep studying the past simple until you fully understand it. You can always practice more with the available exercises and you can also rewatch the clip!

Good luck!

Click here!


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    Emma Blackstone Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
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    2018-01-20 18:01:27

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    VMBO gemengde leerweg, 3; VMBO theoretische leerweg, 4; VMBO gemengde leerweg, 4;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Luisteren naar tv, video- en geluidsopnames; Engels; Lezen; Lezen om informatie op te doen; Opleiding; Luisteren en kijken;


    Bron Type
    Past simple
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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Fill in the past simple

    Fill in the irregular verb

    Fill in the right form of to be, have or do.


    Doubling of final consonants

    Was or were

    Fill in the +d, +ed, +ied

    Choose the correct form


    Extra practise

    IMSCC package

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