Welcome students!
In this online course we will focus on the past simple and the past continuous! You will gain knowledge on the use and form and of this tense. At the end we're going to wrap up this course with a final test. So buckle up, because it's going to be a fun ride!
Our goal:
At the end of this course you know how to apply proper form and use with regards to the past simple and past continuous
Lesson content
Watch the video above to gain a complete understanding of the form use and meaning of the past simple and past continuous.
Did the video go to fast for you? Don't worry! You can find the rules and additional info on this page under the subcategories ''past simple'' and ''past continuous''.
Past simple
Past Simple:
- Past tense
- Use this tense when you speak about finished actions
- The past simple often indicate time indications such as yesterday, last week, last year etc.
Example: We worked at the new Chinese restaurant last year
- Regular verbs: infitintive + -ed e.g. : stopped, killed, jumped
- Verbs ending in -e: infintive + -d e.g.: Lied, baked, escaped
- Verbs ending with vowel and -y: infintive + -ed: played, stayed, enjoyed
- Verbs ending with consonant and -y: : infinitive + remove -y and add -ied: tried(try), carried(carry), married(marry)
- Irregulars: 2nd row column
Past continuous
Past continuous
- Past tense
- Indicate something has been going on for a while in the past
- Indicate order of multiple actions at once in the past
- Indicate one action interrupted another in the past, usually this combines the past continuous with the past simple
- Signal words: when, while, all of a sudden, at the same time
Example:´: I was playing a game when my brother walked in my room
Past continuous always consits of:
was/were + infinitive + -ing
- If the infinitve ends with an -e, replace the -e with -ing: ´Dancing(dance), becoming(become), whistling(whistle)
- If the infintive ends with a consonant, double the final consonant: hitting(hit), sitting(sit)
- if the infinitive ends with -ie, replace the -ie with -y: Dying(die), lying(lie)
Test yourself!
Test: Test your skills
Extra Content
Extra excercises
Now let's do a simple check on whether or not you understand the difference between the two tenses!
Toets: Past simple or past continuous
External exercises
Now let's play a game with your new found knowledge on the past simple!
In this game you gain points based on your answers, if you answer correctly you get money, if you answer wrongly money is deducted. This is fun to play with another person, try it out!
click here to start the game
source: http://www.eslgamesworld.com
Final test
Now it's time for the final test. Use all the knowledge you gained on this online course and fill in the correct answers.
Good luck!
It's time for your first test. Let's see if you understood the grammatical rules!