Fight club

Fight club

Fight club


Duration: 2h 32m


Source: Netflix


Subject: perception of life


The movie Fight club is a about a everyday man who works behind a desk at a big car company. This man suffers from amnesia and explains how it feels to suffer from amnesia and you see how it effects his life. On his search for a cure he finds out about talking groups for people who have terrible diseases or conditions. He finds out that letting his emotions out at these talking groups helps him with his amnesia. After going to talking groups for months he started to notice a women named Marla who was also visiting these talking but he was convinced that she wasn’t sick. He hates the fact that she just comes to these groups as a tourist. It makes him feel sick and question his own reasons for coming to these groups. He started noticing that his amnesia came back and decided that it had to over. He walked up to her and told her what he thought about what she was doing but after talking to her he kind of understands  her reasons because they are somewhat similar to his. They decide to make a deal and divide the groups. The man has to go on a business  trip for his work. On the plane home he meets a man named Tyler Durden. They have a conversation about their jobs and Tyler gives the man his card. After arriving back at the airport the man gets a taxi home. But when they arrive at his house he sees that his apartment has completely burned down. He walks to a phone cell and thinks about calling Marla. But without knowing why he decides to call Tyler. After telling Tyler what happened they decided to go to a bar. After a couple of beers they go outside and the man asks Tyler if he can stay at his place. Tyler tells him he can stay at his place on one condition. The man has to hit him. The man hits him and Tyler hits back after fighting they both feel thrilled and decided they should do it more often. They arrive at Tyler’s place it’s a real junkyard and it looks like a crack house. For the man his everyday life just continues, but every weekend they go to the same bar to fight. In the following weeks more and more people join them in their fights. Because of the amount of people joining them. They decide to begin a club. They call it Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is that you don’t talk about Fight Club. Due to his many fights the man gets a lot of visible injuries his boss decides to confront him with this. The man makes it look like his boss beat him up. He makes his boss pay him his normal salary without him doing any work. This means he and Tyler can go to Fight Club every day. Everything seems to be going well but there is one thing the man hates in his life right know. And that is the fact that Tyler has as sexual relationship with Marla. They have no feelings for each other but just like to have sex. Out of the blue Tyler has a crazy idea. He wants to start a project called project mayhem. All the members of Fight Club want to join in. to join they have to stand outside Tyler’s house for 3 days without food and water. The ones who succeed are allowed to join in. The man is jealous of the other members of project mayhem and he feels like he is losing Tyler to the members of the project. He decides to confront Tyler with it when Tyler takes him with him on trip with his car. They crash. The man wakes up in his bed with Tyler wishing him good luck with his recovery. When the man wakes up (it’s unclear how much time has passed) he notices that Tyler is gone but the members of project mayhem are still here. The man decides to search for Tyler and he finds a lot plane tickets to place everywhere in America. At every place he arrives he feels like he is having a déjà vu. He also notices that everywhere he goes there is a fight club. One day he asks a man who works behind the bar of a restaurant if Tyler was here. The man answers his question with: is this a test sir? He says that It’s not a test. The man answers with: you were here a few days ago. This answer makes the man incredibly confused. He calls Marla and asks her what his name is… she answers with: Tyler Durden. Het immediately returns home but when he arrived at the house he notices that the members of project mayhem are all gone. He then finds out the plans of project mayhem. To destroy several huge banks headquarters. He goes out to stop them but arriving at the first bank he finds out that all the bombs have already been planted. And that they have abducted Marla. He wants to pull the plug on the bombs when Tyler confronts him. They talk about the fact that Tyler isn’t real but the real Tyler’s head is so messed up that he can’t process the fact that he isn’t really real and they start fighting. After the real Tyler gets his ass kicked he manages to get his head straight and he disarms the bomb. After doing this Tyler knocks the real Tyler out. The real Tyler wakes up on the top floor of the bank. He and Tyler have another talk and in the middle of the talk the members of project mayhem. Bring Marla up. He commands them to let her go. And manages to get Tyler out of his head. After rescuing Marla and getting rid of Tyler they watch the other buildings blow up together.


I think it’s an amazing movie which really fucks with your mind. To completely understand how genius this movie is you should watch it more than once. Because after knowing that Tyler isn’t real you notice all the little hints they put in the film. It’s my favourite movie of all time.



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