General information on your files
Assignment: reading & literature files
A language is most easily and efficiently learnt when you are submerged by it: when you hear and read a lot of English, the language will become easier and easier for you to understand and to use. This is why we ask you to read and listen to English texts at home, and to report on your experiences. Aside from this, we ask you to apply the literary theory that you've learnt in Dutch class to the English books you've read.
To help you fulfill this requirement, your teacher will ask you to make your own Wikiwijs Arrangement and to keep your teacher updated on your progress. Your teacher will set deadlines during your 4th year for you to copy your reports to Wikiwijs. This way, you won't lose your reports and your teacher can give you feedback on your work.
Literature file
To be able to participate in the SET Speaking, you are required to have read at least 4 English novels. You will have to hand in your literature file, consisting of 4 reports, two weeks before the SET is scheduled (in Havo 5). This means that it is imperative that you keep your reports safe, and that you won't lose them. When you pick a book, discuss with your teacher whether it is an appropriate book: it has to be of a certain level. The books have to be at least 120 pages long.
After having read a book, write a book report according to the format below and copy it to Wikiwijs. A literature report should be at least 2 pages long and can be written in both English and Dutch.
Literatuur verslag
A. Relevante informatie
1. Titel
2. Schrijver
3. Editie
4. Aantal pagina’s
5. Thema(‘s)
6. Perspectief
7. Plaats
8. Tijd
A. Samenvatting & korte beschrijving personages
B. Uitgebreide eigen mening
Listening file
For the SET Listening you are required to make at least 8 listening reports, without which you won't be allowed to participate in the SET Listening. Two weeks before this SET is scheduled, you have to hand in your listening file.
To make a listening report you watch an English programme, for example on the BBC, or on the internet. Make sure that there are no Dutch subtitles, only English subtitles are allowed. During your watching, you take notes of keywords that you hear. You put these on your listening report. When you’re done, you write a short summary (in English) of the programme you’ve watched. Don´t forget to give your opinion. You will find a format for your listening report below, please note that it should be written in English and that it should be one page long.
Of the eight reports that you will make in total, you are allowed to watch a maximum of 2 films. If you watch an episode of a series, you are allowed to make a maximum of 2 episodes per series. Please make sure that your vary in the type of programmes you watch; try to watch as many documentaries and news reports as possible.
Listening report
A. Relevant data
- Title of programme
- Time and duration of programme
- Channel/source
- Subject
B. Keywords
(type or write here the keywords you hear while you are watching/listening)
C. Summary & personal opinion
(write a summary and give your opinion of the item you’ve watched)
Info Wikiwijs: maak je eigen arrangement
1. Zorg er eerst voor dat je een eigen Wikiwijspagina aanmaakt. De instructie die je stap voor stap uitlegt hoe dit moet, vind je in de studiewijzer.
2. De gemaakte opdrachten moeten direct zichtbaar zijn. Dat betekent dat je de teksten typt in Wikiwijs of kopieert vanuit Word. Je mag geen Worddocument toevoegen als bijlage!
3. Geef op het tabblad 'Overview books' een volledig overzicht van de gelezen boeken. Zo kun je in één oogopslag zien welke boeken je gelezen hebt. Noteer van elk boek: de titel, de auteur, het niveau van het boek en het aantal sterren dat je het boek zou geven. Hierbij geldt dat 5 sterren maximaal is. Houd dit overzicht up-to-date!
4. Voor elk boek en elke luisterverslag gebruik je vervolgens een nieuw tabblad.
Literature file
Overview Books
List the books you've read here: author - title - date of publication, your rating
Book 1 - havo 4
Copy your book report here
Book 2 - havo 4
Copy your book report here
Book 3 - havo 4
Copy your book report here
Book 4 - havo 4
Copy your book report here
Listening file
Listening report 1
Copy your listening report here
Listening report 2
Copy your listening report here
Listening report 3
Copy your listening report here
Listening report 4
Copy your listening report here
Listening report 5
Copy your listening report here
Listening report 6
Copy your listening report here
Listening report 7
Copy your listening report here
Listening report 8
Copy your listening report here
Writing file
Writing file 1
Copy/type your writing file here