

ReadBox Project


Overview of the project.

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Welcome to the ReadBox Project. Over the course of this school year, you are going to read lyrics, newspaper and magazine articles, short stories, poems and books of your own selection. You may select any kind of reading and will be expected to read consistently over the course of the year. If you finish one article or book, you are responsible for selecting another one. So keep on reading and remember to impress yourself. I hope you will have pleasure in reading !

Personal details & Reading Motivation Survey

First I would like to get to know you better. So fill out the personal details and the reading motivation survey (Personal Details - Appendix I and Reading Motivation Survey Appendix II) ; tell me about your reading habits, please.

Importance of Reading

There are loads of people that love reading; its invitation to escape into a different world and to forget the stress in everyday life. Many believe reading to be an essential tool in order to learn what you need to learn; it opens new opportunities and ideas and improves your concentration. Reading is the best way to become educated; it enhances your breadth of knowledge, builds your self-esteem and improves creativity. But if you are the kind of person who does not like reading, you might be missing out on discovering why reading actually matters. And it does really matter. It fills our mind with all kinds
of information and it expands your
view on the world; It gives you a
glimpse into other cultures and
places. Reading every day lets your
brain digest the information that it has
been fed. So the more you read the
more you broaden your horizon. In
fact, it can be life changing in so many
ways. So think about some of the
most important books that you have
read so far. Reading is not a contest.
So what if you read slowly or sometimes skip words here and there? If you are interested in your reading material, you will read to the end, and that is what counts. And remember what they say is true: the more you read, the better you read. If you make an effort to read every day, for example two chapters a day, you will not only improve your reading skills, but you will also learn a lot of new vocabulary. Try it; good reading skills are essential to future success in your career ! 


“ If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.

If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. ”

Albert Einstein


Reading Log

  • Het arrangement Readbox is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2017-10-02 09:18:25

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