Simple present: Negations

Simple present: Negations - 1

Question sentence: Answers:
Do I read a book? No, I do not read a book/No, I don't read a book.
Do you listen to music ? No, you do not listen to music./No, you don't listen to music.
Does he watch TV? No, he does not watch TV./No, he doesn't watch TV.
Does she call her mum? No, she does not call her mum./No, she doesn't call her mum.
Does it bark all night? No, it does not bark all night./No, it doesn't bark all night.
Do we talk all the time? No, we do not talk all the time./No, we don't talk all the time.
Do you walk in the park? No, you do not walk in the park./No, you don't walk in the park.
Do they sleep in here? No, they do not sleep here./No, they don't sleep here.

Simple present: Negations - 2

Question sentence: Answers:
Am I a student? No, I am not./I'm not.
Are you eleven years old? No, you're not./No, you aren't./No, you are not.
Is he a teacher? No, he's not./No, he isn't./No, he is not.
Is she a journalist? No, she's not./No, she isn't.
Is it a book? No, it's not./No, it isn't.
Are we mechanics? No, we're not./No, we aren't.
Are you a pilot? No, you're not./No, you aren't.
Are they musicians? No, they're not./No, they aren't.

Simple present: Negations - 3

Question sentence: Answers:
May I read a book? No, I may not read a book.
Will you go to the park? No, you will not/won't go to the park.
Should he watch his back? No, he should not/shouldn't watch his back.
Could she call her mother? No, she could not/couldn't call her mother.
Can it fetch a stick. No, it can not/can't fetch a stick.
Shall we talk after class? No, we shall not/shan't talk after class.
Should you walk home? No, you should not/shouldn't walk home.
  • Het arrangement Simple present: Negations is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2017-09-27 16:40:59

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Een Kennisbank bevat de theorie bij de stof.
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engelse taal en cultuur;