Present perfect simple or Present perfect progressive?

Present perfect simple or present perfect progressive? - 1

Both tenses are used to express that an action began in the past and is still going on or has just finished. In many cases, both forms are correct, but there is often a difference in meaning.
- Present Perfect Simple: mainly express that an action is completed or emphasise the result.
- Present Perfect Progressive: emphasise duration or continuous course of an action.

Result or duration?
Do you want to express what has happened so far or how long an action has been going on yet?


Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Progressive
(what / how much / how often)
(how long)
I have written 5 letters. I have been writing for an hour.

Present perfect simple or present perfect progressive? - 2

Emphasis on completion or duration?
Do you want to emphasise the completion of an action or its continuous course?


Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Progressive
Emphasis on completion Emphasis on duration
I have done my homework. I have been doing my homework.
(meaning homework is completed now) (meaning that is how I spent my time)


Permanent or temporary?
If an action is still going on and we want to express that it is a permanent situation, we would usually use the Present Perfect Simple.


Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Progressive
Permanent Temporary
James has lived in this town for 10 years. James has been living here for a year.
(meaning he is a permanent resident) (meaning a temporary situation)
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    2017-09-27 16:44:41

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    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Een Kennisbank bevat de theorie bij de stof.
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engelse taal en cultuur;