Present continuous

Present continuous - 1

The present progressive (also known as present continuous) puts emphasis on the course or duration of an action.
The present progressive | continuous is used for:
- Actions going on in the moment of speaking.
 What are they doing? They are making a cake.
- Actions that are arranged for the near future.
 We are visiting grandmother tomorrow.
- Actions/situations are slowly changing.
 The wheather is getting better.
- To express that something that happens often/regularly irritates you.
 She's always talking about her children.

Present continuous - 2

Use a form of to be and the infinite verb plus -ing.
- am with the personal pronoun I
- is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or with the singular form of nouns)
- are with the personal pronouns we, you or they (or with the plural form of nouns)


  affirmative negative question
I I am playing. I am not playing. Am I playing?
he/she/it He is playing. He is not playing. Is he playing?
you/we/they You are playing. Your are not playing. Are you playing?


In negative sentences, we put not between the form of be and the verb.
In questions, we simply swop the places of subject and the form of be.

He is dreaming. He is not dreaming. Is he dreaming?
They are reading. They are not reading. Are they reading?
I am working. I am not working. Am I working?

Present continuous - 3

A single, silent e at the end of the word is dropped before ing.
- example: come - coming
- I am coming home. You are coming home. He is coming home.

But: ee at the end of the word is not changed
- example: agree - agreeing

The final consonant after a short vowel is doubled before ing.
- example: sit - sitting
- I am sitting on the sofa. You are sitting on the sofa. He is sitting on the sofa.

The letter l as final consonant after a vowel is always doubled before ing.
- example: travel - travelling
- I am travelling around. You are travelling around. He is travelling around.

An ie at the end of a word becomes y before ing.
- example: lie - lying

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    2017-09-27 16:48:42

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