Past perfect

Past perfect - 1

The Past Perfect tells us about something that happened before another action in the past.
It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past (putting emphasis only on the fact, not the duration).
For example:

  • I had never seen such a high mountain before I went to Switzerland.
  • I did not have any money because I had lost my purse.
To form the past perfect use ‘had’ + the past participle of the verb.

For regular verbs, in the past perfect simple you use a form of 'have' and add “ed” behind the verb.
For irregular verbs, use the past participle form.
See a list of irregular verbs in this link (the third column): irregular verbs





See the next page for examples.

Past perfect - 2


- The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we had built.

- When she went out to play, she had already done her homework.

- My brother ate all the cake that our mum had made.

- The doctor took off the plaster that he had put on six weeks before.

- The waiter brought a drink that I had not ordered.

- I could not remember the poem we had learnt the week before.

- The children collected the chestnuts that had fallen from the tree.

- Had he phoned Angie before he went to see her in London?

- She had not ridden a horse before that day.

- Before I came here, I had spoken to Jack.

- I was late for work because I had missed the bus.

- We admired the picture that Lucy had painted.

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    2020-12-17 09:26:33

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    Een Kennisbank bevat de theorie bij de stof.
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engelse taal en cultuur;