The Perfect Tenses

Instructions of the arrangement


1.       Every section has a video (right now just one video about the present perfect) .................this one is the most important.  Watch the video

2.       Then read the examples that specify the use of every tense.

3.       Then learn the form of the tense.

4.       Then do the exercise in every section in order to practice the form .

5.        Have you done  the section exercises ? then move one level upwords ................................Do the practice!  Here the exercises are more complicated. They combine form and use.

6.        Are you finished with all the practice?......CONGRATULATIONS.......Do the final test and enjoy the good results




The Perfect Tenses

This is a lesson about the Perfect Tenses


With this presentation I bid information about the form and the use of the perfect tenses.

Present Perfect simple

Present Perfect continuous

Past Perfect simple

Past Perfect continuous

Future Perfect simple

Future Perfect continuous

These lessons are meant for people with some knowledge of English. They are meant  for Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper-intermediate levels

The lessons are presented in English in order to be understood from all the learners of the target group.


Why do we call these tenses perfect? They are the three verb tenses that show completed action. Perfect means "made complete"

Present Perfect Simple

1. First watch the video



2. Read when you have to  use present perfect simple




I have finished To kill the mockingbird. It is now my favorite book of all times......(The perks of being a wallflower, ch. september 14 1991, page 11)

Present Perfect simple is used to show past experiences with present results.


I've lived in the same house all my life.

Present Perfect simple is used for events or situations that started in the past and are still true.


Tom have just called you to remind you the appointment with the doctor.

Present Perfect simple is used when we are talking about resent events up to the present.


Present Perfect almost always refers to the past and implys almost always some consequences for the present or for the future.


Important : The difference with the Past tenses (They describes also actions that are completed) is that in the Perfect tense the action insinuates influence in the present or the future while past tense is refering to an action that is done and finished.



3. Learn how to form present perfect simple



Present Perfect Simple
Present Perfect Simple

4. Do the exercise

Present Perfect Continuous

1. Learn how to use present perfect continuous



He has been waiting for many hours.

Present Perfect Continuous is used to show actions or situations that started in the past and continue until now.


I've been  living in the same house all my life.

Present Perfect Continuous  is used to refer to a past situations in order to stess the perdiod of time involved. (We could ask the question: how long?)




Present Perfect continuous can be sometimes used instead of the present perfect simple tense.




2. Learn how to form present perfect continuous

Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous

3. Do the exercise

Past Perfect Simple

1. Learn when you have to use past perfect simple



Before I found my job as teacher, I had applied to fifty schools.

Past Perfect Simple is used in order to clarify the timing of a past action or situation 



Past Perfect simple some times there are words like already or just in the sentence.




1. Learn how to form past perfect simple

past perfect simple form
past perfect simple form

3. Do the exercise

Past Perfect Continuous

1. Learn how you should use past perfect continuous



He had been drinking all night long before he crushed the car.

They had been seeing each other for two years before they decided to get married.

Past Perfect Continuous is used to stress the period of time that an event happens at an earlier point in time






2. Learn how to form past perfect continuous

Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous

3. Do the exercise

Future Perfect Simple

1. When should to use future perfect simple



By next Sunday I will have read to kill the mockingbird.

Within three years I will be finished with my studies.

Future Perfect Simple is used for actions that will definetly happen in the future.




2. Learn how to form present perfect simple

Future Perfect Simple
Future Perfect Simple

3. Do the exercise

Future Perfect Continuous

1. When should you use future perfect continuous



By the end of this month we will have been trying to find him for the last sixteen years.

Future Perfect Continuous is use to indicate continuing action up to a time in the future.



2. How to form future perfect continuous

Future Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect Continuous

3. Do the exercise


Practice 2


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    2017-11-05 14:20:02

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Introduction to Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous.
    HAVO 4; VMBO theoretische leerweg, 4; VWO 3;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engels; Publiek toespreken; Spreken; Opleiding; Schrijven; Vrij schrijven (Engels);
    2 uur en 0 minuten
    future perfect, future perfect continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous
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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Fill the correct form of Present Perfect Simple

    Fill the correct form of the Present Perfect Continuous

    Past Perfect Simple

    Past Perfect Continuous

    Future Pefect Simple

    Future Perfect Continuous

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