1.01 Numbers and Units

A complete measurement  is called a PHYSICAL QUANTITY: It contains a number and a unit.

Whenever you do a calculation you include number and unit in the calculation. First solve the number part, then solve the unit part.


A car has driven a distance of 30 km. It took the car 3 hours. Calculate the average speed of the car.

\(speed = {distance \over time}\) \(speed = {30 km \over 3h}\) = 10 km/h


SCIENTIFIC NOTATION :Rewrite the number into a number that fits between 1-10 and a power.

How to rewrite 350 into scientific notation

First get the number part and then do the power part. The number should be 3,5

The original number is larger than the power number so therefore the power is positive. The amount of times I have to replace the comma to go from 3,5 until 350 is 2 times so the power is 102

How to rewrite 0,0035 into scientific notation

First get the number part and then do the power part. The number should be 3,5

The original number is smaller than the power number so therefore the power is negative. The amount of times I have to replace the comma to go from 3,5 until 0,0035 is 3 times so the power is 10-3

For additional exercises about scientific notation use the following link: (this is the better one, but you have to get a free membership)

1.02 A system of units

Most scientist use the SI units. This is an international system of units for each physical quantity. In was implied to make the meaning of numbers universal.


The SI units you need to know for now are

  • Mass (m) has the SI unit kilogram (kg)
  • Length (x) has the SI unit metre (m)
  • Time (t) has the SI unit second (s)

Learn the following prefixes by heart. They can be put in front of any SI unit













SI unit of mass














SI unit of length

1.04 Volume and density


Density is the property of a substance. Each substance has is own specific density value. It is the mass per given volume. A volume of 1cm3 of water has a mass of 1g. The same volume of gold (1cm3) has a mass of 19,3g.

In order to be able to calculate the density you need to find the mass and the volume of an object.


The mass of an object can be found if you put it on a scale.



There are 2 ways you can measure the volume of an object.

  • For a cube/rectangle you can use the formula V=length x height x width

  • For an irregular shaped object you can use a measuring cylinder

The conversion of the volume from cubical into liter looks like this

You can use the following website to practice with the conversions of units. (You need to create a free membership)


Calculation for density

Image result for formula density

Density has the unit g/cm3

Mass has the unit g

Volume has the unit cm3


The following video's are really good. Keep in mind that we don't use the d for density, but we use the scientific rho symbol


Websites to practice with density






Oefening: Questions


Practical lessons

Additional Assignments and answers

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