Hello everyone and welcome to the webpage for Havo 2. On this page you'll find everything there is to know about much and many, few and a few, little and a little. You will be everything on this site by yourself and you have one lesson to complete it.
Check out the pages on the explanation and practise the exercises. Once you've done that see below the practise test what you should be doing next. There are extra excercises to help you practise a bit more and further excercises to help you achieve an ever higher level. Once you've done that you will be more than ready to make the test.
The lesson aims are:
- To be able to state the differences between much and many, few and a few, little and a little.
- Correctly use much and many, few and a few, little and a little to fill in the gaps in a text and form you own sentences.
When you are all done. Go to and try to take some excercises for this subject yourself!
Good luck!
We use much when talking about nouns we can’t count.
Much money, much fruit, much water
We use many when talking about nouns you can count
Many people, many hairs, many drinks
Few and a few:
The next subjects are few and a few. These are used when talking about a small quantity in combination with a countable noun. The difference between the two are that few emphasizes how small the quantity is and with a few it is still not much but more than few. You could say that few is a half empty glass and a few is half full.
Little and a little:
The explanation for these are almost the same as for few and a few. Little emphasizes on how small the quantity is, almost nothing. A little emphasizes on a small quantity as well however the meaning is more than little. These are used with uncountable nouns.
First take the quiz on socrative, fill in roomname stacey448 and fill in your name. These questions take about 5 minutes to complete and you will be doing it by yourself. When you are done see below what you should be doing next.
Practice quiz
Do the practice quiz and see on what level you are on!
Correct answers:
0-2 correct -> Rewatch explanation video and do the extra excercises
2-4 correct -> Do the extra excercises
4-6 correct -> Do extra excercises and try the further material
6-8 correct -> Do the futher material excercises
Extra excercises
You had 4 or less correct in the practise test but, no worries! Make these extra practise excercises and you will get on the right level for the test!
It will take you about 10-12 minutes to complete the excercises and you will be doing it by yourself.
Oefening: Extra excercises
Goed zo!
Je hebt alle vragen beantwoord. Je kunt je
antwoorden bekijken door terug te gaan naar
de vragen.
When you're done. Go to the test!
Further material
Congratulations, because of the great achievement in the practise test you may do the further questions.
Read the description of what you need to do carefully. It will take you about 10-12 minutes to complete the three excercises. When you are done take a printscreen and e-mail it to me so I know how you did.
When you're done. Go to the test!
Now that you have done everything you can to practise even more the time is here to take the test. For this test it is extra important to do it by yourself. It will take about 15 minutes to complete the test. Read the questions carefully and take your time. Good luck!
When you are all done. Go to and try to make some fun excercises for this subject yourself!