Going Out

Going Out



Do you ever go out? And what do you like to do in your spare time? Let's see what we can find out about spending your spare time! In this lessonseries we will explore 4 different areas:

  1. Cinema
  2. Holidays
  3. Sports
  4. Music

You will learn new strategies for reading, practice a lot and revise reading strategies and tips & rules for writing an email. Also, we will cover the basic grammar to make sure your email works.

Besides all this, you will learn new vocabulary according to the themes above, to help you understand texts and help you write the email.


Good luck!


to be able to listen, read and epecially write and talk about going out, you need grammar. This lessonseries you will learn about the present simple vs. present continuous, superlatives, past simple vs. present perfect and word order.



Grammar 1: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

In the first paragraph you learn more about the Present Simple & Present Continuous.. Down below you will find  links to instructive websites and youtube clips, explaining and practice some more. Remember, this is exam preparation, don't forget!

First, do the PRETEST

When finished, show your teacher your score. He/she will tell you how to continue.



uitleg en oefenen Present Simple



uitleg en oefenen Present Continuous

uitleg en oefenen Present Simple vs. Present Continuous


for more practice, go to lessonseries Grammar year 3 & 4

Grammar 2: Superlatives (trappen van vergelijking)

In the second paragraph you learn more about Superlatives and how to use them.

First, do the PRETEST.

Down below you will find  links to instructive websites and youtube clips, explaining the Superlatives and practice some more.Remember, you will have to use and recognise this grammar for your PTA & Exams!

Engels gemist filmpje:Trappen van Vergelijking

oefenen en proeftoetsen: Bastrimbos Comparison & Superlatives

for more practice, go to lessonseries Grammar year 3 & 4

Grammar 3: Past Simple vs. Present Perfect

Down below you will find  links to instructive websites and youtube clips, explaining the past simple and practice some more. If you are sure you know how tu use the past simple, move on to the websites about the Present Perfect vs. Past Simple. Remember, you will have to use and recognise this grammar for your PTA & Exams!

First, do the PRETEST.


oefenen en proeftoetsen:  ego4U on Past Simple & Present Perfect


for more practice, go to lessonseries Grammar year 3 & 4


Grammar 4: Word Order


In Unit 2 you learn more about the correct wordorder in English. Down below you will find  links to instructive websites and youtube clips, explaining the correct wordorder and practice some more. Remember, you will have to use wordorder correctly in your PTA writing test to pass!

First, do the PRETEST.



Ego4U: uitgebreide uitleg in het Engels met oefeningen (ONLY positive, negative & questions)


for more practice, go to lessonseries Grammar year 3 & 4



Afbeeldingsresultaat voor GOING OUT



This period you will learn the following lists:

  1. Cinema
  2. Holidays
  3. Sports
  4. Music

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor quizlet

Go to www.quizlet.com nd look up the lists. You will learn one list every week. Have a look at the planner to see which list to learn


TIP! Make sure you practice at least 4 times a week, or you will have a hard time passing the test!






Do you like going out? What kind of things do you like to do? Let's find out! In the next few weeks you are going to do 2 assignments about going out. You can choose from 4 assignments.


These assignments will help you prepare for the Reading and Writing Tests coming up!


Good luck!


1 Cinema: single ticket

Do you like going to the Cinema? Have you ever gone all by yourself? watch and see why this is actually quite fun!


Watch the following video on youtube. Write down as many reasons why you should go to the cinema by yourself. Your teacher will tell you where to hand in your answers.

Do this multible choice assignment, show your teacher the result to see which assignment is next:

Easy: DVD rentals

Medium: TV guide

Difficult:Movie reviews



2. Holidays & Festivals: Guy Fawkes Night

Have you ever heard of Guy Fawkes Day? It's a very famous holiday in Britain.


Watch the following video on youtube and write down as many facts about Guy Fawkes' Day. Your teacher will tell you what to do with the answers.

Choose one of the following activities:

easy: bustrip

medium: summer vacation

difficult: summer camp

3 Sports: the world's weirdest


What's the weirdest sport you can think of? Want to bet there's an even weirder sport out there? Let's see, shall we...


Watch the youtube video. Write down the different weird sports that you hear and see. Try to get as many facts about the sports as you can!


In class, discuss the different sports. Did you get them all? which of them do you think is the weirdest of all?

choose one of the three assignments:

easy: Health club

medium: World cup soccer

difficult: Fishing trip

4. Music: Concert


Have you ever been to a concert? If not, here are some basic tips to help you along...


Click on the youtube videolink. Write down as many tips as you can. Get into as much detail as possible. Your teacher will tell you where to hand in your answers.

choose on of the activities below. Show your teacher the result:

easy: good old blues

medium: radio ads

difficult: Trivia game show


To prepare yourself for the Reading test, we will practice skills and read a lot: practice makes perfect!

Reading Training 1: Cinema


In class you are going to do a pretest in readtheory to assess your level. Your teacher will hand out login names and passwords.

Reading Training 2: Holidays & Festivals


Today, you are going to learn about recognising signal words and how to use them.


Go to the reading lesson. Click on Signal Words on the left. Read the assignment, then open this text to do the assignment.The assignment will be marked, so work hard!


when finished, go to www.readtheory.org and try to improve yourself.



Reading Training 3: Sports


Today, we are going to learn how to recognise reference words and how to use them to your advantage. Go to the reading lesson and choose 'reference words' on the left.


Read the assignment carefully. Open the text. Do the assignment and hand it in by ELO.


when finished, go to www.readtheory.org and try to improve yourself.



Reading Training 4: Music


Today, you are going to learn about paragraphs and how to use them to your advantage. Go to the reading lesson and choose 'paragraphs' on the left. Read what you have to do. Now open the text.


Do the assignment and hand it in by ELO.


when finished, go to www.readtheory.org and try to improve yourself.



Do you ever email anyone? Remember the rules? We are just going to revise them for a bit and practice for the test.


Choose two assignments from below and do them. Check your planner to see when to hand them in. Hand them in by ELO.


But first, let's have a look at the rules and some tips for writing an Email. Click on the link and watch the video.


Good Luck!

Email 1: Cinema


You are going to write an email to your friend to invite him or her to the cinema. Write about following things:


- vraag hem hoe het gaat en vertel hoe het met jou gaat. (present simple)

-vertel dat je vanavond naar de film gaat. (present continuous)

-vraag of hij vaak naar de bioscoop gaat. (present simple)

-vraag of hij/zij met jou naar de film wil gaan aanstaande zaterdag. (present continuous)

-sluit de e-mail netjes af.


Check de RUBRIC om te zien of je alles er in hebt zitten.

Email 2: Festival


You are going to write a friend about your visit to a festival. Write about the following things:


- vraag hem hoe het gaat en vertel hoe het met jou gaat.

-vertel dat je vorige week met je ouders naar een saai festival bent geweest. (gebruik past simple)

-vraag of hij/zij daar ook was. (gebruik past simple)

- vertel dat je een hele goede recensie hebt gelezen over de het festival 'I am the City' in Amersfoort (gebruik present perfect)

- beschrijf het festival (gebruik ten minste 4 superlatives, zoals beste, meest fantastische etc.)

- vraag of hij/zij al eens op dit festival is geweest (gebruik present perfect)

-vraag of hij/zij met jou naar dit festival wil gaan op 7 november.

-sluit de e-mail netjes af.


Check de RUBRIC om te zien of je alles er in hebt zitten.


Email 3: Sports


you are going to write a friend about your favourite sports moment.


- vraag hem hoe het gaat en vertel hoe het met jou gaat.

-vertel dat je vorige week een fantastische wedstrijd hebt gespeeld (gebruik past simple)

-vraag of hij/zij vorige week ook gespeeld heeft.(gebruik past simple)

- vertel dat je een artikel in de krant hebt gelezen over een bekende sporter.(gebruik present perfect)

- beschrijf wat er goed is aan de sporter (gebruik ten minste 4 superlatives, zoals beste, meest fantastische etc.)

- vraag of hij/zij dit artikel heeft (gebruik present perfect)

-vraag of hij/zij met jou naar je eerstvolgende wedstrijd wil gaan aanstaande zaterdag.

-sluit de e-mail netjes af.


Check de RUBRIC om te zien of je alles er in hebt zitten.



- use a dictionary to check unknown words or words you are not sure about spelling. And of course for the irregular verbs!

- remember there is a difference between the ending and the closing formula!

- check out the webpage about standardized sentences: learn those you think useful by heart!

- check out the webpage about the lay-out for emails: learn this by heart!


Email 4: Concert


you are going to write a friend about a concert you've been.


You are going to write a friend about your visit to a concert. Write about the following things:


- vraag hem hoe het gaat en vertel hoe het met jou gaat.

-vertel dat je vorige week met je ouders naar een saai concert bent geweest. (gebruik past simple)

-vraag of hij/zij daar ook was. (gebruik past simple)

- vertel dat je een hele goede recensie hebt gelezen over een concert. (gebruik present perfect)

- beschrijf het het concert (gebruik ten minste 4 superlatives, zoals beste, meest fantastische etc.)

- vraag of hij/zij al eens op dit concert is geweest (gebruik present perfect)

-vraag of hij/zij met jou naar dit concert wil gaan op 7 januari.

-sluit de e-mail netjes af.


Check de RUBRIC om te zien of je alles er in hebt zitten.



- use a dictionary to check unknown words or words you are not sure about spelling. And of course for the irregular verbs!

- remember there is a difference between the ending and the closing formula!

- check out the webpage about standardized sentences: learn those you think useful by heart!

- check out the webpage about the lay-out for emails: learn this by heart!

Teacher's page

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor GOING OUT



This lessonseries is designed for students in class 4KBL, as preparation for their first PTA Reading & Writing Test. The learning objectives are:

- Expansion knowledge of English-speaking culture/society

- Improvement of Listening by

                 - Listening Practice (using all kinds of different video fragments)

- Vocabulary Training by:

                - Class activities (mainly through speaking & creative activities)

                - Independent training through WRTS

                - Implemented use of Vocab in Writing Assignment

-Improvement of Reading by

                - Reading Strategies & theme-based practice ( Signal Words, Reference Words, Paragraphs)

                -Reading Training by readtheory.org

-Improvement of Writing by

                - Revising Email conventions

                - Grammar (Present Simple vs. Present Continuous, Superlatives, Past Simple vs. Present                            Perfect.)

                - Theme-based practice of e-mail writing

Lesson Plan

this lessonseries is built for 2 classes of 80 minutes each week and takes 4 weeks, followed by a bufferweek in which there's a Test for vocabulary and grammar and to finish things and revise. The 6th week is for the PTA tests: Reading & Writing.

Schedule for Period 2: Going Out

week bijzonderheden les thema-les
34 introductiedagen/opstart 1 valt uit ivm introductiedagen
    2 readtheory, going out listening 1, Quizlet 1, Grammar 1
35   1 readtheory, going out reading 1 & writing 1
    2 readtheory, going out listening 2, Quizlet 2, Grammar 2
36   1 readtheory, going out reading 2 & writing 2
    2 recap Quizlet & grammar 1+2
37   1 Semi-test quizlet & grammar 1&2
    2 readtheory, going out listening 3, Quizlet + Grammar 3
38   1 readtheory, going out listening 4, Quizlet + Grammar 4
    2 recap Quizlet & grammar 1-4
39   1 Test quizlet Quizlet & Grammar 1-4
    2 Practice W&L
40   1 PTA Watching test 1 (2017)
    2 PTA Listening test 1 (2017)
41   1 buffer
    2 buffer


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    2019-07-18 13:20:54

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    VMBO theoretische leerweg, 4; VMBO kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg, 4; VMBO gemengde leerweg, 4;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Luisteren naar tv, video- en geluidsopnames; Engels; Dagelijks leven; Lezen; Correspondentie; Aantekeningen, berichten, formulieren; Gesprekken tussen moedertaalsprekers verstaan; Luisteren en kijken; Schrijven;
    60 uur en 0 minuten
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