Writing Skills 5H

Writing Skills 5H

Introduction: Somewhat emotional?

In higher education, it is necessary to be able to structure and organise pieces of writing in an appropriate way, according to academic standards and conventions. Through this rollercoaster of emotions we are going to up our game!

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor emotional


Most of us use emojis and although a well-placed emoji can add nuance to positive statement, adding them to tragic news stories - as USA Today did – just looks sinister, says Rhiannon Lucy Cosslet.


1) Make up your mind..

  • Take ten minutes to discuss the statements.

- Do you frequently use emoticons or emojis? Why (not)? When?

- Why is the emoji so popular?

- Could they be inappropriate under certain circumstances?

- Do you know the differences between emoticons, emojis and kamojis?


2) Using emotions and expressions without emoji’s…

  • Look at the Idioms list. Discuss their meanings with a partner. Look up the expressions you do not know.
  • Choose 1 expression from every column (so 10 in total) and write a funny story around/using them.


3) Collocations (Word Combinations)

Often words are not freely combined by speakers because, despite the different possibilities we have, we always tend to use the same chunks stored in our memory as a whole. For instance, nobody says "I will talk about my opinion", but: "I will give my opinion". If you know these word combinations it will help you improve your accuracy and fluency as you will not need to stop to choose every single word you use. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for you to be aware of the existence of collocations and to learn to identify them in the input you receive. Also, you'll find it much easier to understand native speakers if you recognize collocations when used without emoji’s ;)


  • Use at least 10 collocations from the lists to write a short summary of a book or film/series that you have recently read or seen (250-300 words approx).


4) Opinion piece…recent news events..


Write your opinion piece. Use at least 300 words. It should contain a title, an introduction, a main part ( in which you explain your points of view and give examples if necessary) and a conclusion.

Also include at least 10 new expressions and collocations.

The deadliest of journeys

  1. The big escape..


  • She knew thousands drowned trying to flee war-torn Libya. Yet Ivie, 25, took her young son on an overcrowded voyage across the sea. Here, she tells Julie McCaffrey her traumatic story…What do you think of when being confronted with such a story or the words migrant crisis? Make a mind map.


       2. Fighting for freedom..

  • While (listening and) reading answer the questions.

- Who is Chisom?

- What did Ivie's father do for a living?

- Where did Ivie grow up?

- Who is Joseph?

- What did Ivie and her family do in Februari 2011?
- What happened to Ivie in September 2014?

- What did Ivie do on January 9th last year?

- Why was this journey extra difficult for Ivie?

- Who is Nalani?

- What is Ivie's plan for the future?


        3. Who do you know or have you heard of is fighting for freedom? For who or what can you fight? Freedom for people?        Freedom for animals? Equal rights? Freedom of speech? Write a short personal letter to thank that person and tell him/her that you admire him/her. Make sure you include his/her actions/achievements. Use the structure for a personal letter which you can find in: Writing letters havo 2017-2018.



Losing their religion

  1. Ex Muslim Voices


  • We are going to watch a video in which a few people  who have left the Islam religion talk about their experiences. Afterwards discuss; Can you imagine that it is difficult for Islamic people to leave their religion? Would it be more difficult than leaving for instance the Catholic or any Christian religion? Why (not)?


       2.Vali’s story…


  • Listen to and read the article. Answer the questions.

- Why does Vali speak as if he's in a witness protection programme?

- Explain the term 'semi-closeted apostate'.

- What does the group Faith to Faithless do?

- Until what time did Vali follow his father's faith?

- What couldn't Vali's family forgive him?

- How many Muslims have left the faith?

- Why is it difficult to get exact numbers?

- How does the headscarf function according to Nasreen?


       3. Religions


  • Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Go to the site and have a look at the list of religions you’ll find there. Choose one of the religions and read what it says. In approx. 300 words formulate the most important facts about the religion you have chosen in a coherent structure. However, make sure you review the linking words section first and include as many linking words as possible in your piece.


Ex-Muslim Voices

Treatment FM

  1. Music


  • Music moves us to tears and drives us to dance. But as well as affecting our moods, it can also have a positive impact on our health.  Discuss the questions in small groups.

- Do you like music? What kind? What genres? Singers? Bands?

- Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one? Do you make music in a different way? Explain.

- Do you play specific music at specific times? Explain.

- What effect does specific music have on you?



       2. The power of music

  • Read the article. In a few sentences describe the main ideas for the following parts of the article: The power of music, Lost for Words & More therapies.


       3. Musical Therapy Programme

  • Since music can be therapeutic  you are going to design your own musical therapy programme to relief your partner's school stress.


A) Ask your partner what causes him/her the most stress at school

B) Ask what kind of music he/she likes and dislikes.

C) Choose 4 songs of which you think might be helpful to listen to when your partner is stressed.

D) Write an instructional manual in which you also explain your choices and the lyrics.



All Texts

Study materials

Sentence structure

Extra Materials (To be used, not studied)


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    2017-07-12 14:38:48

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

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    HAVO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engels; Dagelijks leven; Schrijven; Verslagen en rapporten (Engels);


    Bron Type
    Ex-Muslim Voices
    Sentence structure

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Aarsen, Marra. (2017).

    Writing Skills 5H


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