Literature (Short Stories) 4H

Literature (Short Stories) 4H

6 Reasons Why Literature Is So Important


"Literature Is One Of The Most Interesting And Significant Expressions Of Humanity." -P. T. Barnum

Today, there are too many people who believe that literature is simply not important or underestimate its abilities to stand the test of time and give us great knowledge. There is a stigma in society that implies one who is more inclined toward science and math will somehow be more successful in life, and that one who is more passionate toward literature and other art forms will be destined to a life of low-paying jobs and unsatisfying careers. Somewhere along the line, the world has come to think that literature is insignificant. However, literature serves as a gateway to learning of the past and expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world. Here are just a few reasons why literature is important.

1. Expanding horizons

First and foremost, literature opens our eyes and makes us see more than just what the front door shows. It helps us realize the wide world outside, surrounding us. With this, we begin to learn, ask questions, and build our intuitions and instincts. We expand our minds.

2. Building critical thinking skills

Many of us learn what critical thinking is in our language arts classes. When we read, we learn to look between the lines. We are taught to find symbols, make connections, find themes, learn about characters. Reading expands these skills, and we begin to look at a sentence with a larger sense of detail and depth and realize the importance of hidden meanings so that we may come to a conclusion.

3. A leap into the past

History and literature are entwined with each other. History is not just about power struggles, wars, names, and dates. It is about people who are products of their time, with their own lives. Today the world is nothing like it was in the 15th century; people have changed largely. Without literature, we would not know about our past, our families, the people who came before and walked on the same ground as us.

4. Appreciation for other cultures and beliefs

Reading about history, anthropology, or religious studies provides a method of learning about cultures and beliefs other than our own. It allows you to understand and experience these other systems of living and other worlds. We get a view of the inside looking out, a personal view and insight into the minds and reasoning of someone else. We can learn, understand, and appreciate it.

5. Better writing skills

When you open a book, when your eyes read the words and you take in its contents, do you ask yourself: How did this person imagine and write this? Well, many of those authors, poets, or playwrights used literature to expand their writing.

6. Addressing humanity

All literature, whether it be poems, essays, novels, or short stories, helps us address human nature and conditions which affect all people. These may be the need for growth, doubts and fears of success and failure, the need for friends and family, the goodness of compassion and empathy, trust, or the realization of imperfection. We learn that imperfection is not always bad and that normal can be boring. We learn that life must be lived to the fullest. We need literature in order to connect with our own humanity.

What is Literature for?

The Importance of Literature



This year you are going to kick off your literary education. You will do the following:

1) Read "6 reasons why literature is so important".

2) Discover some of its genres by reading the Short Stories and doing the assignments.

3) Afterwards, contemplate what genre suits you best and choose and

    read 2 books from the list.

4) Hand in your reports on the elo.

   * Report 1: Short Stories Reports

   * Report 2: Book report (Telt voor overgang leerjaar 4)

   * Report 3: Book report (Telt voor overgang leerjaar 4 en hier gaat

      o.a. je mondeling in de 5de over!)

Ursula Wills-Jones The Wicker Husband

Pictorial report

Pictorial reports can include comic strips, sketches, charts, or a collage on the storyline. Create a pictorial report to picture the events of the story in chronological order, portray a particular scene, or represent the dynamics between characters. For those among you who are not that artistic, there are a variety of online digital tools that can help you with the process.

Hand in your pictorial report.

Peter de Niverville - The Petting Zoo

Review report

In this type of report, you rate the story the same way you would rate a movie. You should comment on the good and bad points of the story and give it a rating of stars. Include details from the story!

Hand in your review report.

Fernando Sorrentino - The Library Of Mabel Mogaburu

Photo report

Form groups and decide on a scene of the story you would like to stage. The costumes, props and other details should be planned out by the group. After staging the scene take a picture of it and every student will need to explain the following points (or points similar to this):

  • Why did you choose this particular scene?
  • Discuss the character(s)/mood in the scene.
  • What was involved in planning the scene?

Hand in the photo report with the explanation.

They are made out of Meat

Descriptive Story

Seeing the alien spacecraft that travelled to earth and having had the chance to go for a 'ride'with them was a fantastic experience.  Now that you are safely home, you have the opportunity to describe the event.  Slam FM has asked you to write a story giving detailed description of the spacecraft, the aliens, and your experiences.  The editor advises you to make your description as colourful and specific as you can because people have to be able to imagine what you tell them over the radio.  What you observed was really "out of this world", so you can't count on the readers knowing what you have in mind.

  • Write a descriptive story you would tell on Slam FM.

The Silent Hostages

Knowledge report

  • Write the names of the most important characters in the story.
  • Identify the relationships of the characters in the story to one another.
  • When and where does the story seem to take place? What clues in the story did you use to determine the place (setting) and the time the story took place?
  • Write about something interesting that happened in the story. You may not use more than 7 sentences. One happening in the story is enough, and not too many details. Can you write this happening in the proper sequence?
  • Where does most of the action take place? Tell or write something that happened in each of the places you mention.
  • Who are the protagonists and the antagonists?
  • What time in history did the story take place?
  • What was the climax (high point) of the story?

Hand in your knowledge report.

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    HAVO 4;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engels; Fictie begrijpen; Fictie interpreteren; Literatuur; Fictie evalueren;


    Bron Type
    What is Literature for?
    The Importance of Literature
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