Mensa: international organisation h45

Mensa: international organisation h45

International organisation


This next lesson is about International organizations.

A feature of human societies is the need to belong to a group, or a club. You are going to read about a club that not many people can join, but first, let’s see what clubs and organizations you belong to.  

This lesson contains 5 steps and an evaluation.
Work them through step by step.






Find out what you already know.

Step 1


Make a list of clubs and societies you belong/belonged to. Answer the question.

Step 2


Make notes and read a text about the 'Mensa' club. Fill in words in the gaps of the text.

Step 3


Have a discussion about a quote about 'great, average and small' people.

Step 4


Do a 10-minute work out to find out if you could join the 'Mensa'.

Step 5


About reported speech. Read the theory. Rewrite sentences using reported speech. Do an exercise.

Step 6


Write a CV.



Reflecting on what you have learned.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries

Step 1 - Speaking

Make a list of all the clubs and societies you belong/have belonged to.

What you should be able to do to join?



be able to do

a football club

you have to be able to kick the ball



Compare and discuss your answers with your partner.

Step 2 - Reading

You are going to read about the club MENSA.
Do you know anything about it? At first note down your ideas.

Now read the text and check your ideas.
Read the text again and do the exercise; put the correct word in the gap.

Step 3 - Speaking

Look at the sign. This is a quote commonly attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt.
What do you think the message is?

In this article you read reviews, opinions about the message on the sign. Do you agree?
Write down three examples of people you know who are 'great, average and small' and give
some examples of the things that they usually talk about.


My grandma is a small person because she’s always talking about her neighbours and what they are doing. But then consider why the person has a conversation about other people. She probably spends a long time talking about other people because she doesn’t read newspapers to find out about new ideas. She isn’t interested in new ideas because she says that she has seen everything!

Now you have an idea about the message of the sign.

  • Discussing people here means to talk about a person, typically in a negative, gossipy way.
  • Discussing events means to talk about the events happening around the world.
  • Discussing ideas means to understand the higher level messages behind an event, to understand human behaviour, to look beyond what’s given, and to find solutions to help the world.

Discuss with a classmate about the following questions.

  1. Compare the examples you both wrote down about people you know.
  2. What about you? Are you “great/average or small”?
  3. What do you think are the consequences of being a small person all of your life?
  4. Do you think that this will change with age?
  5. Does everyone have to talk about great ideas?

Step 4 - Reading

Could you join 'Mensa'?
Do this 10 minute work out and find out!

You can find out more about Mensa at
After reading this website, what do you think:
'Is it worth to join Mensa'?

Look at the following answers:

  1. Mensa is perfect for highly intelligent people to have social interaction with other people to share similar thoughts and stimulating discussions.
  2. Mensa is not worthwhile; a person who is rather highly intelligent does not need a Mensa membership to prove it. Why a special 'intellectual society'?

What do you think? More like answer 1 or 2?
Write down short information about Mensa (what is Mensa, what are the activities, how can you join) and your opinion about Mensa (worth joining?) in your notebook (about 150 words).

Step 5 - Grammar

Let's look at ... reported speech.

She added that Mensa’s only criterion was you had to be bright.

We use reported speech (or indirect speech) when we say what someone said in the past: You have to be bright. ➨ You had to be bright.

You can use that after the reporting verb. It doesn’t change the meaning.

  • She added you had to be bright. = She added that you had to be bright.

Change the tense!
When we report what someone said, we often put the main verb back one tense.

  • Present simple ➨ past simple
  • Present continuous ➨ past continuous
  • Present perfect ➨ past perfect
  • Will ➨ would
  • Can ➨ could
  • Past simple ➨ past perfect.

Change in pronoun
You might also need to change the pronoun.

  • I’ve visited London many times”, she said.
  • She said she had visited London many times.

Do the exercises.

Step 6 - Task

Writing your CV (Curriculum Vitae)
You have decided to apply for a job. You are going to write your CV.

By making a CV you ask yourself: Should I put Mensa on my CV? Or should anyone put Mensa on his/her CV?
Why/why not? Could it be considered a plus or arrogant? What do you think?
Discuss with a classmate.

Now you are going to write your CV.
You can use a template like this and read the tips:
templates CV

How to write a good CV

  1. Start with a CV Header with Contact Information (name/address/email/telephone)
  2. Education and qualifications
  3. Work Experience
  4. Skills (for example computer skills/ foreign language skills / membership Mensa?)
  5. Additional Sections

Make your CV brief and relevant.


Let your classmate check your CV. You will check his/her CV.
Have a look at each other's CV and maybe you can give each other useful tips.
Once you have done this, submit your CV to your teacher.


Copy and fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.



Needs improvement

​Satisfactory, good


Step 1 -

I can speak about clubs and societies.




Step 2 - Reading

I can read an article about the 'Mensa club'.




Step 3 -  Speaking

I can speak about 'great, average and small' people.




Step 4 - Reading

I can read and find out about 'join the Menza'.




Step 5 -  Grammar

I can understand and use the grammar about reported speech.




Step 6 - Task

I can write a CV.


What have you learned in this lesson?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What was the most interesting part?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?
  • Het arrangement Mensa: international organisation h45 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2021-03-02 09:40:17

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor havo, leerjaar 4 en 5. Dit is thema 'Societies'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Mensa: international organisation. In deze les gaat het over het behoren tot een groep of club. In dit geval wordt er speciale aandacht geschonken aan de organisatie Mensa. De grammaticaopdracht behandelt reported speech.
    HAVO 4; HAVO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    3 uur en 0 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, club of groep, engels, h45, mensa: international organisation, reported speech, stercollectie