Heroes h45

Heroes h45



In this theme you will focus on Heroes.

What are we going to do?

  • We begin by looking at superheroes – and why they appeal to our imagination.
  • Then we compare and contrast two young people who are considered to be heroes by their communities. These are every day stories that could happen to anyone. But would you have the presence of mind to do what these young people did?
  • Next we look at one of the most popular international teen heroes, Malala who was shot by the Taliban for wanting to go to school. She won the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Next we return to a reality that you can probably relate to: school lunch time and you have nowhere to sit, or at least you probably know people who are ‘left out’. Well, an app has been developed by a bright young girl to deal with that.
  • To round up this topic of Heroes, you will be asked to find out about an unsung hero,
    or rather, someone who has done something you consider heroic but quietly.

What about you?
What, in your opinion, makes a hero a hero? What do you think an unsung hero is?
Who is your hero? Or are you a hero to anyone?

THink about it, but you don't have to be able to answer these questions perfectly right now.
You will find out the following lessons.

Have fun!

Need to know

What do you need to know?
At the end of this theme, you should be able to talk about Heroes with ease.
But you don't have to be able to do all this perfectly right away! If you take the following lessons you'll find out what you need to know!

  • Read the questions.

  • Form groups of three or four.

  • In your group, select as many questions as there are members of your group.

  • Discuss these questions.

  • Select one question you all think is interesting. Answer these questions and explain your answer.

  • Present, as a group, the results of your discussion to your class mates.

  • Answer, as good as you can, questions of your class mates.

When listening to other presentations, listen carefully and think of questions or things you did not understand.​

Choose from the following questions

  • What is the meaning of a hero? How would you describe a hero?
  • Do you have a sporting hero?
  • Who are heroes? Do you have any personal heroes?
  • Who were your heroes when you were a child?
  • Do you think soldiers and police officers are heroes?
  • Which superhero do you want to be?
  • Are heroes celebrities?

Can do

In this theme you will focus on the following 'can do' statements.

Listening (B1):

  • I can follow and understand a song text and can answer questions about the song.
  • I can generally follow a radio interview with an author who is talking about the idea of heroes and heroism in our world today.
  • I can catch the main points in a short BBC radio news bulletin about Malala and answer questions.

Reading (B2)

  • I can read and understand an article about superheroes in which the writers express specific attitudes and points of view.
  • I can understand in detail a text about superheroes and a social media app. I can look for synonyms of the vocabulary.
  • I can understand in detail the story about Malala and answer questions.

Speaking (B1)

  • I can start, maintain and close simple face to face conversation on heroic acts.
  • I can maintain a conversation or discussion about combatting bullying. I can express my opinion.
  • I can deal with most situations likely to arise when making travel arrangements through an agent or when actually travelling (also ask for and follow detailed directions).

Writing (B1)

  • I can write a backstory of 'my superhero'.
  • After reading a few articles about heroic acts, I can describe which hero I would give a bravery award and why.
  • I can write a connected text about big decisions in life (of someone I admire) and can express my personal view and opinion.
  • I can write a short story of a local hero for a newspaper.
  • I can write a factual summary about the life of Malala after listening to a BBC news bulletin about Malala.
  • I can write an article explaining my ideas of encouraging students to sit together at school, not alone. 

To do

The theme Heroes contains an introduction, four sections and a finishing touch.
In the schedule below, you can see the titles of the sections and an estimate of the time required for each part.

Lesson Title Activities Time (hours)*


Need to know

Can do

To do

  0,5 hour

Lesson 1


Listen to a song about superheroes. Read and discuss about superheroes. Write a backstory about superheroes.

3-4 hours

Lesson 2

Young local heroes

Speak about heroic acts. Read about your heroes. Write a story about a local hero.
Grammar: mixed conditionals

3-4 hours

Lesson 3


Do a quiz about writing. Read a text and watch a video about Malala.
Write a summary.

3-4 hours

Lesson 4

Sit with us

Read a text about the 'Sit with us' app and discuss with a classmate about this app.  

2-3 hours

Finishing touch



Oefenprogramma Engels'




You are going to give a talk to your class about 'quiet heroes'.
You are going to listen to a conversation about heroes.

You are going to practise with the 'Oefenprogramma Engels'.

You are going to prepare for exams: practise taking past versions.

You answer evaluation questions, what did you learn?

3 hours




16 hours

*hour = lesuur. Eén lesuur komt ongeveer overeen met 2 SLU.


Below are the four lessons that belong to this topic.
Make your choice.

Lesson 1


Lesson 2

Young local heroes

Lesson 3


Lesson 4

Sit with us

Finishing touch

Project A: talk about Heroes

Final project - Quiet Heroes
You are going to find out more about people you admire, but about whom not very much is known. They are ‘Quiet Heroes’.

  1. You can choose up to a maximum of three people you admire who have done/or who are making small changes (so not famous sports people or celebrities).
    Do some internet research and find people of different ages/abilities/nationalities so that you can contrast and compare.
  2. You are going to give a talk to your class.
  3. Prepare your Powerpoint presentation and your talk for your class.
    Use the three parts of your presentation to reinforce your message:
    • In the introduction, you tell your audience what your subject is going to be.
    • In the body, you tell your audience your real story.
    • In the conclusion, you summarize the results of your investigation.
  4. Practice your presentation with your partner. Then give your talk to your class.
    Your talk should include a maximum of 5 slides, and should last no longer than three minutes.

Look down and see how your presentation will be judged.

  Good Sufficient Insufficient
Organisation Information is presented in a logical, attractive sequence. Information is mostly presented in a logical, attractive sequence. Information is not presented in a logical, attractive sequence.
Content Interesting, clear information. Information is mostly interesting. Some was already known. There was not much that was of interest in this presentation.
Speaker style Speaks clearly and at an understandable pace. Maintains eye contact with audience. Well-rehearsed. Mostly speaks clearly and a good pace. Mostly keeps eye contact. Has rehearsed a bit. Mostly unintelligible. Does not maintain eye contact. Has not rehearsed.
Language The vocabulary use is very good and the sentence structure is good. Complex sentences are attempted, but not always correct. The vocabulary use is fairly good and the sentence structure is good. Attempts one or two complex sentences. The vocabulary use is not very good, neither is the sentence structure. Does not attempt complex sentences.

Project B: listening Heroes


You will hear part of a radio interview with the author Marina Johnston, who is talking about the idea of heroes and heroism in our world today.


Do the exercise. Fill in the gaps.
Tip: You can stop the audio to fill in the words.

Oefenprogramma Engels

If your school participates in VO-content, you can practice with the English practice program 'Oefenprogramma Engels'.

Here you find a part of this program.
This section fits in well with this theme.
Sign in with your 'School Entree account'!

An American Hero

An American Hero

My hero

My hero


On www.oefenprogrammaengels.nl you can of course also practice with other reading, listening or viewing assignments!


On this page you will find Examenkracht exam questions of previous years.
The questions will correspond as much as possible to the exercise you have just finished.

While answering, use as much of what you have learned earlier. If you cannot answer the question right now, try again later. When you have answered a question, you can check and indicate the score yourself.

If you want your results to be saved, you will have to log in on ExamenKracht.

HAVO 2021-TV1

HAVO 2021-TV1 Vraag 42

HAVO 2021-TV3

HAVO 2021-TV3 Vraag 2

HAVO 2018-TV2

HAVO 2018-TV2 Vraag 1
HAVO 2018-TV2 Vraag 40

HAVO 2016-TV1

HAVO 2016-TV1 Vragen 40 en 41


More practice?
Go to Examenkracht where you will find the newest exams.

What did you learn?

Can do statements

Take a look at the Can do statements in the introduction - 'Can do'.
Are you able to do what you have to do?
Did you understand and meet the learning goals (can do statements)?

Finishing touch project

  • Did you do both projects? How did it go?
  • Was the 'rubric' at the end helpful for you? Could you indicate yourself?
  • What do you think of working in a group?
  • Did every group member do the same amount of work?

Analyse your mistakes

What did you learn of the mistakes you made in this theme?
You can learn a lot of your mistakes!

Do you recognize one or a few of the mistakes in this schedule?
Copy the schedule in Word.
Fill in other mistakes you made in the free bottom rows.
Fill in the missing tips in the second column. Of course, you can add your own tips for the other mistakes.

Kind of mistake


I did not learn enough.

You have to plan your learning activities better.
Don't leave it until the last minute. Set up a timetable.

I did not understand.
I did learn the Grammar theory but did not know how to use it.


I made sloppy mistakes.
I know how to do it, but I do it incorrectly because I lose concentration.


I have to check the Vocabulary.
I use the wrong words, or I did not recognize the words.

You can study the Vocabulary of themes of the 'Stercollecties' in www.studiowozzol.nl.

Here you can practise words in a context.
This will help you to memorize words.
You also can create your own task in Studiowozzol.

  • Het arrangement Heroes h45 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2024-05-22 16:25:41

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

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    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie.

    Het thema 'Heroes' (h45) is ontwikkeld door auteurs en medewerkers van StudioVO.

    Fair Use
    In de Stercollecties van StudioVO wordt gebruik gemaakt van beeld- en filmmateriaal dat beschikbaar is op internet. Bij het gebruik zijn we uitgegaan van fair use.
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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Dit thema valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor havo, leerjaar 4 en 5. Dit is thema: 'Heroes'. Dit thema omvat de volgende volgende onderwerpen: - Superheroes - Young local heroes - Malala - Sit with us De grammaticaopdrachten gaan over mixed conditionals.
    HAVO 4; HAVO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    16 uur en 0 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, engels, h45, heroes, malala, sit with us, stercollectie, superheroes, young local heroes