Radio Communication

Radio Communication

Rules and regulations

When communicating with your commander and other units it is important obeying rules and regulations. This means that messages have to be clear, unambiguous to friendly forces and coded so the enemy can't listen in. Download the assignement, read and make it. When you are ready save it in a map on your harddisk                                                                      .

Communication terms and procedures

As you may know by now radio communication in an operational area is not the same as having a chat with somebody in public life. In radio communication it is essential that the message is loud and clear, without revealing the content to the enemy. Therefore NATO alphabet and numerals are used. Als so called PROWORDS are used. Read the the paper on PROWORDS and make the assignment using the paper PROWORDS

Write a script

This assignment lets you practice the proper way to communicate with your commanding officer and or other units. First watch the clip military radio traffic 101. You already saw this clip. It gives you a good starting point.

Go through the PowerPoint VeVa GROP Radio & AAW.

  1. Go to slide number 5. Copy the example.
  2. Write 3 scripts using the objects on slide number 9, 10 and 11
  3. Use the files PROWORDS, NATO alphabet and Numerals.

There are three assignments:

1. Identify the IED

2.Write a message to inform your commanding officer. You are Alpha and your commander is Romeo. Look at the example which you can find in one of the files attached. You have to write three scripts.

Miltary radiotraffic 101

Make a powerpoint

Now that you have practiced radio messages, you know what to do in a communication situation in the field. But you also have to inform your colleagues about these procedures. This assignment lets you prepare a powerpoint in which you explain a certain apsect of radio communication.  Remember you can use anything you know and what you can find on the internet. Ask for help if you need any.

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

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    To be able to work in an observation post having good communication is essential, Mostly a wired or wireless network is a must. But military personnel also have to be able to communicate with each other in a regulated way. You will practice communicating in English when going through these assignments.
    MBO, Niveau 2: Basisberoepsopleiding; MBO, Niveau 3: Vakopleiding;


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    Miltary radiotraffic 101
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