Lesson 1

Lesson 1

Military English

In this lesson you will:

A. Learn how to login into the website of your english book Nu Engels: nuengels.online.noordhoff.nl

B. get an introduction into the military organization.

C. Get familiair with our electronic learning environment: Its Learning.

Military English                

You have enlisted in the VeVa course, which will prepare you for a job in the Royal Dutch Army. An important part is the English VeVa course. Miltary English is essential in the communication with military personnel from other countries. The Dutch Army cooperates  with other nations within NATO in peacekeeping tasks all over the world. So it's important that you learn how to properly speak military English and get familiar with military English words and concepts. At the end of this course you will be tested applying military English within real exercises and situations. You will have to pass these tests to eventually become a soldier.

Today you will make a start with this introduction lesson. You will watch clips, make assignments and answer a questionnaire. Have fun and good luck.


One of the first things to be able to learn to speak and use another language is learning words. Most of the Dutch people can express themselves in English. But when you have to cooperate with other nationalities in combat and mission situation it is important that you just know what you are talking about. People lives are at risk.


So each lesson you will be given a link to Quizlet to be able to learn the military terminology which is adequate for a specific subject or theme.

Most of you have got their soldier's kit. In this vocabulary list you can some of the main parts of that kit, like respirator and maglite torch. You will have to know these words by heart in lesson 4.


Go to Quizlet:https://quizlet.com/231754834/a-soldiers-kit-diagram/


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2017-10-11 17:22:24

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

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This is your first lesson. Relax and just go along with it. English is not hard and can be fun. Especially when you will be learn to use it in the military context
MBO, Niveau 2: Basisberoepsopleiding;
Leerinhoud en doelen
fun, introduction, miltary context, not hard


Bron Type
The German Coastguard


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