Answer - Cultural appropriation - Step 5

Step 5 - Task


Writing task
Possible answer:

Hi Filipa, 
How are you? I see that you have been busy on Instagram recently. You have posted some great photos and I loved the one of you in Paris! Awesome.

I also noticed that you have been wearing cornrows. It’s such cool hairstyle, huh?
However, did you know that some people might find it offensive? We were reading about this is class the other day. It’s called cultural appropriation.
So, I don’t know whether you know but wearing your hair in cornrows is actually a black hair style and some people think that it should be credited. So perhaps in an Instagram post, you could write #blackhair or some appropriate hashtag. As I was reading your post, I saw that you thought it had been invented by a famous white celebrity, but it wasn’t.
Anyhow, I’m sure you can find out more about it, but I think that it’s good to be considerate of other cultures.
Your friend, JJ


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