Some, any, much and many

Some, any, much and many

Some and any

Some and any mean 'a couple', 'a few' or 'a number of'.
Use some in affirmative sentences and in interrogative sentences in which the answer is likely to be 'yes' (affirmative)

  • I have some good friends.
  • Can I have some apples, please?

Any is used in negative sentences or in interrogative sentences.

  • I don't have any friends.
  • Did any of your photos come out well?

If 'some' and 'any' are part of a different word, the same rules apply.

  • Would you like something to drink?
  • Somebody gave me a ticket.
  • I'd like to go somewhere, but I can't think of anywhere to go to.

Much and many

Much and many both mean 'a lot'.
Much is used with a singular noun (uncountable).

  • He didn't have much choice.
  • There wasn't much he could do.
  • Would you like much sugar in your tea?

Many is used with a plural noun (countable).

  • I didn't make many mistakes in this exercise.
  • Were there many people at the party?


Het arrangement Some, any, much and many is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

Laatst gewijzigd
2021-07-13 11:52:23

Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

  • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
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  • voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

Een Kennisbank bevat de theorie bij de stof.
Leerinhoud en doelen
Engelse taal en cultuur;
arrangeerbaar, kennisbank, leerlijn

Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

VO-content - Kennisbanken. (2016).

Some and any - much and many

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